U.S.-Japan Summit Meetings 日米首脳会談 Vol.22(President Trump’s visit to Japan トランプ米大統領訪日)

All the below tweets are in English.










U.S.-Japan Summit Meetings 日米首脳会談 Vol.20(President Trump’s visit to Japan トランプ米大統領訪日)

All the below tweets are in English.

〇 (もちろん時間の長さが全てではありませんが)アメリカ大統領夫妻が日本だけに立ち寄り3泊4日も滞在することに表れている、過去に無いほどの良好な日米関係を、日本国民としては素直に喜ぶべきである。
〇 (対外問題においては慎むべき場合もあるものの)民主主義下において国内の野党やマスコミが様々な意見を発信するのは、原則としては健全である。他方、直接関係の無い者が口出しするのは、個人的には好まない。この件で言えば、練られた思考や一定の節度の下でのアメリカ及び日本の野党やマスコミによる意見はOK、日米以外の政治家やマスコミなどによる意見はそのハードルが随分上がる、と考えています。
If I dare to say as a Japanese citizen my thought about the below tweets through around 1:00 pm, May 26, I think:
〇 Japanese people had better be genuinely glad to see the good U.S.-Japan relationship as never before, which is told by the fact that a U.S. President and his first lady come just to Japan and stay for as many as four days / three nights (, while the length of the time is not all that matters); and
〇 Under democracy, it is basically healthy that opposition political parties and the mass media in each country send out their opinions (, while they should sometimes refrain in the field of foreign affairs). On the other hand, I basically do NOT like all the other foreign people doing the same things. Regarding the President’s visit, OK would be opinions by American and Japanese opposition parties and mass media based on well-crafted studies and with restraint. On the other hand, the bars of the opinions by non-American and non-Japanese people are basically raised much, of course.



U.S.A. アメリカ Vol.54(Minnesota ミネソタ州)

All the below links are in English or Japanese.


Minnesota Vol.9 (incl #coronavirus) / Wisconsin Vol.11 (incl #coronavirus) 5/6追加
Minnesota Vol.8 / 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries Vol.20 (#SuperTuesday) 5/6追加
Minnesota Vol.7 (3M)
Minnesota Vol.6 (corporations)
Minnesota Vol.5 (University of Minnesota)
Minnesota Vol.4
Minnesota Vol.3
Minnesota Vol.2
Minnesota Vol.1

Japan and Minnesota, partners and friends for more than 50 years (09/15/2015) | Kenichiro Sasae @pioneerpress
Hanson is Honorary Consul General for Japan in Minnesota (08/07/2010) | Asian American Press
Minneapolis Ibaraki Sister City Association
Saint Paul – Nagasaki Sister City Committee
Winona-Misato sister city relationship continues to flourish (02/04/2018) | @WinonaDailyNews
Duluth, Ohara celebrate 25-year link as sister cities (07/03/2015) | Lisa Kaczke @duluthnews
Destination Japan: A sister city trip | @bloomington_mn
Sister City – Yuasa, Japan | City of Braham, Minnesota
Cambridge hosts citizens from sister city Yuasa, Japan (09/01/2016) | Austin Gerth @isanticonews
On tap: wine kegs, cocktails and preservation systems (07/24/2013) | Bill Ward @StarTribune
A local history of Japanese food (01/02/2019) | Lauren Peck @ Minnesota Good Age
Umei Boutique Brings Japanese Style to the North Loop (12/05/2017) | Jahna Peloquin @MNMOmag
Centuries-old samurai sword spent decades in Minnesota basement (w Video; 02/14/2019) | Boyd Hupport @kare11
Fort Snelling: Breaking the Code (07/12/2017) | @NatlParkService
Japanese-American Recruits Trained for Secret Mission in Minnesota During WWII (05/05/2019) | Nick Woltman @Militarydotcom
MnSCU board approves partnership in Japan (10/21/1999) | @MinnStateEdu
Mavericks Prep for Trip to Japan (06/28/2017) | MINNESOTA STATE UNIVERSITY, MANKATO ATHLETICS
Department of Languages and Cultures | @stcloudstate
Akita International University (a.k.a. Kokusai Kyoyo Daigaku or international liberal education university) (02//2013) | Gregory Clark @ EDUCATION IN JAPAN

Delta Threatens to Cut Minneapolis-Tokyo Route as a Posturing Measure (12/08/2018) | @travelcodex
Innovator of the Year: Daikin McQuay – 2012 Minnesota Manufacturing Awards (11-12/2018) | MAURA KELLER @MnBizMag
Olympus Opens New Surgical Innovation Center, Positioning Company for Long-term Growth (04/28/2015) | @getolympus
30 YEARS | @Vital_Images
Japan-based Sumitomo Corporation of America Expands with Minneapolis, Minnesota Commercial Tower (02/07/2019) | @AreaDevelopment
Minneapolis’ Indeed Brewing is expanding … to Japan: The brewery is exporting some of its beers across the Pacific. (04/23/2019) | Adam Uren @bringmethenews
Japan sales lift Minnesota video game developer (05/27/2016) | Louis Garcia @PB_News
Where’s the beef? Soybean leaders visit Japan (09/14/2017) | @MnSoybean
Pacific Northwest and Minnesota Wheat Farmers Travel to Japan and Korea on USW Board Team (03/04/2016) | @uswheatassoc
Japanese focused business conference coming to Minnesota (09/10/2012) | @MHTA
Japan is Restarting Their Nuclear Power Plants: When Will Minnesota Legalize New Nuclear Power Plants? (12/02/2018) | Isaac Orr @MNThinkTank
Images of Japanese disaster strike a chord in Minnesota (w Audio; 03/12/2018) | @euankerr @MPRNews
MN firms affected by Japan earthquake (03/11/2011) | Ed Stych @MSPBJnews
…3M Co., Cargill Inc., Medtronic Inc., Ecolab Inc., Carlson Cos. and Andersen Corp. Most of the companies only have sales offices in Japan, but some also have manufacturing facilities…
One is Donaldson Co. Inc., which has had two locations in the Tokyo area for decades: An engine-filters manufacturing plant in Gunma, in the center of the country about 70 miles northwest of Tokyo, and a sales office in Tachikawa, which is about 30 miles west of Tokyo. …
Japan is the Minnesota’s third-largest trade partner, replacing Ireland just last year. Canada and China top the list.
Manufacturers in the state sold $738 million worth of goods to Japan in 2009, the last full year of statistics that are available. Agricultural companies sold $526 million worth of goods to Japan…
MINNESOTA SOYBEAN KNOCKING ON JAPAN TRADE BARRIERS (03/26/2019) | Mark Dorenkamp @brownfield
… “Two primary concerns that we have, number one is their valuation of crude protein as the only measure of soybean quality. That leads them to purchase a lot of (soybeans) out of the Houston (and) Gulf ports, and not so much out of the Pacific Northwest because the protein levels are lower.”
He tells Brownfield research shows soybeans grown in the Upper Midwest contain essential amino acids that make it a great feed additive.
Smentek says Japan has also changed its threshold on what could be considered non-GMO. …

ミネソタ ― 1万の湖と文化的多様性に恵まれたアメリカの州 | アメリカンビュー(アメリカ大使館公式マガジン) @USConnect
ミネソタ州 | @GoUSAjp
ミネソタ州概要(PDF; 平成31年2月)| 在シカゴ総領事館
ミネソタ州と日本との関係(PDF)| 経済産業省
北米の新興・中堅都市の魅力 (PDF; 2013年1月) p.25-27 | 日本貿易振興機構
州・地域の詳細情報: アメリカ合衆国(ミネソタ州)| 外務省
ミネソタ大学 (University of Minnesota) | SAFスタディ・アブロード・ファウンデーション
寮生活、留学を義務化 内定率100% 少人数教育 学長自ら「広告塔」に ― 国際教養大学 | 日本私立大学協会
ミネソタ州の豆知識 | GO2AMERICA
ミネソタ基本情報 | Sakura の 住めば都!ミネソタ日記
直行便で行く!欧米で最も安全なミネソタ州の最大級モールオブアメリカで遊ぶ (04/30/2018) | 添乗員の世界旅行ガイド!国内海外の観光スポットを紹介
Discover Mall of America(日本語)
Fromミネソタ科学館To日本科学未来館 | @miraikan
南極より寒いシカゴ、氷点下56度のミネソタ 米北部に猛烈な寒波 (w Video; 01/30/2019) | @CNN
ミネソタ州の日本人比率ランキング | アメリカ地域ランキング




Australia オーストラリア Vol.7(2019 federal election results, etc. 総選挙結果など)

All the below links but the below tweets are in English.

Australia Vol.17 (2019 federal election)

cf. Australia オーストラリア Vol.6(states, economy, politics, etc. 各州, 経済, 政治 など)
Trans-Pacific Partnership #TPP Vol.3 (Miscellaneous)
Antarctic Vol.1
など etc.

Alliances Adrift: Is this the end of America’s Asian alliances? (14/05/2019) | Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, ANU College of Asia & the Pacific 以下、一部抜粋。
… In the face of structural change towards a more multipolar Asian security order, however, coupled with unprecedented uncertainties regarding US credibility and resolve in this part of the world, most of the United States’ Asian alliances are arguably looking increasingly brittle.
Leading experts from Australia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand contributed their views on the nature and trajectory of alliances at a one-day workshop “Alliances Adrift: Is this the end of America’s Asian alliances?”
The workshop held on 23 April 2019 in Singapore …
… ANU participants included Professor Brendan Taylor, Emeritus Professor William Tow and Dr Lauren Richardson. …
Taylor and Tow subsequently visited Manila on 26th April to attend a roundtable discussion on the “Dilemmas of the Indo-Pacific”. They interacted with Philippines officials and scholars at the Asia-Pacific Pathways-sponsored event where they examined the US’ Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) strategy. …
Emeritus Professor William Tow provided a synoptic review of the Trump administration’s policy in the Indo-Pacific … also tackled catalysts for the FOIP, such as the possibility of an emerging China-containment doctrine by the US, domestic pressures on the Trump administration to have a different foreign policy from Obama, and the complementarity of ideology and geography to operationalise the “America First” rhetoric.
Professor Brendan Taylor discussed Australia’s stakes in the Indo-Pacific, such as its fears of exclusion from the region and economic decline … underscored the conceptual ambiguity and the divergent interests within the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (between Japan, US, Australia, and India) that may derail future development.
… During the open discussion, participants raised issues such as the feasibility and appropriateness of having a China-containment goal for the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue between Japan, the US, Australia, and India …
Taylor and Tow will bring the discussions and papers from these workshops together by co-editing a special issue in an internationally respected journal planned to appear in early 2020. They will also visit Northeast Asia and the United States later this year to follow up the Singapore session …

自由貿易の原則の下での各種の国益最重視 を堅持すれば長期的に国全体としてうまく行く、




Australia オーストラリア Vol.6(states, economy, politics, etc. 各州, 経済, 政治 など)

All the below links are in English.

標記につき取り急ぎ貼っておきます。なお、worldsolutions.work の各ポストは、日付が若干新しくありませんが、内容は最近、大幅に拡充等したものです。


Australia Vol.8 (New South Wales) ニューサウスウェールズ州
Australia Vol.13 (Victoria) ビクトリア州
Australia Vol.12 (Queensland) クイーンズランド州
Australia Vol.10 (South Australia) サウスオーストラリア州
Australia Vol.9 (Western Australia) ウェスタンオーストラリア州
Australia Vol.11 (Tasmania) タスマニア州
Australia Vol.6 (Northern Territory) ノーザンテリトリー(北部特別地域)
Australia Vol.2 (Australian Capital Territory) オーストラリア首都特別地域

Australia Vol.5 (Economy) 経済
Australia Vol.1 (Politics) 政治
Australia Vol.15 / Trans-Pacific Partnership #TPP Vol.2 TPP
Australia Vol.16 / Meat Vol.2 
Australia Vol.7 (Climate change) 気候変動
Australia Vol.14 / Antarctic Vol.2 南極

各州名及びJapanなどを入れて検索して出てきたツイートです。政府に関連するという立場でない弊社としては、現時点で日本の命運を左右する話題ではなく経済動向と不可分である国際情勢等の空気も見えるもの を敢えて外さないことがあってもむしろ良いのではないかと考え、今回は一部その類のものを含めています。
The below tweets are found if you enter such words as states’ names and Japan, etc. As far as our LLC, which is not related to the Government of Japan, has considered, this time it would be rather better to dare not to take off the information which does not affect the fate of Japan as of May 15, and which shows the atmosphere of international affairs inseparably linked to economy.




U.S.A. アメリカ Vol.53(A subjective English news article affecting Japan’s national interest adversely written by a Japanese journalist 日本人記者による国益に反する主観的な英文記事)

Japan courts Trump using emperor, first lady’s birthday: Without close friends in Asia, Japan’s prime minister is seen using every opportunity, even the emperor’s accession, to court President Donald Trump (04/20/2019) | MARI YAMAGUCHI @ Associated Press TOKYO

この記者、国益を考えたことないでしょうね。我が国は、他の民主主義・経済大国よりも地政学面その他において “常に” 余裕がありません。地面は動きませんので。資源も無い、土地も広いとは言えない。こういう点を一生分からない人が、平気でアホ情報を垂れ流します。公的マインドがあれば、政権批判には他にやり方がいくらでもあると気付くでしょうに。しかももっと理詰めで。こういうの、日本社会としてちゃんと取り上げなきゃいけませんね。

Abe, experts say, is taking every opportunity to court Trump as Japan tries to stay out of the U.S. leaders crosshairs, unlike some other world leaders who have upset him on trade and other issues.
世界に発信するなら、この「experts」は最初に大きく名前を出さないと。別にそれくらい言って何も無いところから逮捕勾留有罪となるような国でもないでしょう。そういう国は世界にはいくつも存在するようですが。個人的には公に、この experts は大した experts でない、と言い切ります。

Im not sure what other choices this administration, or any Japanese administration, has except to try to build the best relationship possible with Washington through face-to-face interaction, said Stephen Nagy, a politics and international studies professor at International Christian University in Tokyo. I think Mr. Trump being the first to meet the emperor is a good example of that.

Relations between Japan and two of its closest neighbors, South Korea and China, remain strained over their war history and territorial disputes.

Abe has managed to largely stay on good terms with Trump by assiduously avoiding criticism of the U.S. leader. You never hear criticisms out of Japan … that has been very characteristic of the Abe administration, Nagy said. I think he has done well because he hasnt insulted Mr. Trump to cause problems.

Hiro Aida, professor of global studies at Aoyama Gakuin University and an expert on Japan-U.S. relations, said Abe is jumping at the opportunity of the emperors succession after his ties with Trump were seen to be weakening as the U.S. leader came down hard on trade issues, demanding that Japan do more to reduce the countries trade imbalance.

Pinned tweets, etc. 固定ツイート等

アイルランドの政治・行政・企業・地方・大学: 英文脚注15000以上―アイルランド・米国・英国・欧州・日本企業情報を含む Kindle版 中港拓 (著)

#FoodexJapan2019 non-Japanese companies #フーデックスジャパン2019 外国企業(於:幕張メッセ Makuhari Messe)
U.K. イギリス Vol.18(北アイルランド Northern Ireland)
U.K. イギリス Vol.19(スコットランド Scotland)
U.K. イギリス Vol.20(ウェールズ Wales)

U.K. イギリス Vol.16(Brexit Vol.13:報道等において正面から触れられていないブレグジット三点 3 points concerning Brexit which have not been confronted in the media etc.)
U.K. Vol.17(Brexit Vol.14: 3 points concerning Brexit which have not been confronted in the media etc. – especially outside the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland)

EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement 日EU経済連携協定(EUJEPA)Vol.2

TPP Vol.4
TPP Vol.5
TPP Vol.6



Honestly, we have understood that it is difficult to understand how to use social network services, if we don’t keep using some specific ones, regardless of being complicated or simple. The strengths of Twitter, which we have kept using as our single tool, would be:
1. in general, we can set it freely and easily, and so forth as well, it is good at spreading stories on the Internet;
2. therefore it is suitable to discussions, content marketing, curation, etc. on difficult topics or contents.
It seems that there will not be such strong services other than Twitter.
Today, when there is too much information, in a sense, it is impossible to accurately understand news without curation.
In this sense, it would be impossible to talk about current era without presense of Twitter, which is suitable to curation, etc.
We can say that the quality of contents is far more important than the numbers of followers, retweets, likes, etc.

1.(無料で使用しているので思うような表示にはなっておりませんが)一応、https://9223.teacup.com/ireland_corps/bbs という(概ね日本語 Mostly in Japanese の)デジタルサイネージ digital signage があります。アイルランド関連・電子書籍関連に可能な限り絞って貼って行こうと考えています。
2.https://www.goodreads.com/world_solutions (in English)
On April 16, 2019, we stopped publishing the eBook-related Facebook page. Thank you so much for having visited that page, etc. We would be very pleased if you continue visiting this website, Twitter accounts, the Teacup digital signage, etc.

#FoodexJapan2019 non-Japanese companies #フーデックスジャパン2019 外国企業(於:幕張メッセ Makuhari Messe)

I was lucky enough to be invited to Foodex Japan 2019, and visited many booths at Makuhari Messe on its first and second days.
As below (no particular order), I pasted names and hyperlinks of about half of the companies with which I exchanged my name cards (and talked with more rich content or less). If you push the names, you can go to the companies’ websites.
Although I usually don’t publicize specific names when I just exchanged my name cards and had conversations, this time I am doing it because I would like to boost foreign companies’ business in Japan (and Japanese companies also need to expand business in foreign countries more).
Please note that I let all the below companies know in advance.
March 13, 2019

Finland フィンランド / Cheese チーズ各種  Finnish Cheese Company Ltd
The Netherlands オランダ / Gouda cheese ゴーダチーズ類  Vergeer Holland
Bulgaria ブルガリア / Cheese, Butter チーズ各種及びバター  Germa Food Stuff Trading LLC
Greece ギリシャ / Feta cheese, Yoghurt, etc. フェタチーズ、ヨーグルト等  ROUSSAS
Greece ギリシャ / Yogurt, Feta cheese, etc. ヨーグルト、フェタチーズ等  Mevgal S.A.
Denmark デンマーク / Eggs 鶏卵  Danaeg Products A/S
Australia オーストラリア / Kangaroo and wild game meat カンガルー及び獣肉  Macro Group Australia Pty Ltd.
Finland フィンランド / Pork 豚肉類  Snellmanin Lihanjalostus Oy (フィンランド語)
Canada カナダ / Processed pork 豚肉加工品  Siwin Foods Ltd.
Australia オーストラリア / Dumplings, etc. 東欧風餃子等  From Granny
USA アメリカ / Pecan ペカン  Hudson Pecan Company, Inc.
Mexico メキシコ / Canned peppers, salsas, etc. 缶詰トウガラシ・大豆ソース等  La Morena
Indonesia インドネシア / Seasoning 調味料  PT RODAMAS INTI INTERNASIONAL
Belgium ベルギー / Salt 塩  Zoutman
Italy イタリア / Canned tuna, etc. ツナ缶詰等  Macaluso
Italy イタリア / Preserved tomatoes 保存トマト  Finagricola Soc.Coop.
Germany ドイツ / Health and functional confectionary ヘルスケア菓子(サプリメント等)  sanotact GmbH
Italy イタリア / Truffle トリュフ  Selektia Italia s.r.l
Italy イタリア / Pasta パスタ  Pasta Zara S.p.A.
Ukraine ウクライナ / Garlic ニンニク  Agro Patriot
Greece ギリシャ / Green pitted olives, etc. オリーブ加工品等  EL MAR OLIVES LTD
Australia オーストラリア / Olive oil オリーブオイル  Pendleton Olive Estate
Australia オーストラリア / Olive oil オリーブオイル  OLEAPAK PTY.LTD
Greece ギリシャ / Olive oil オリーブオイル  ELEON – Soya Hellas S.A.
UK イギリス / Nuts ナッツ類  Snack Factory Limited
India インド / Cashews カシューナッツ  Prasanthi Cashew Company
Thailand タイ / Snack スナック菓子  Kanom Thaipattana Co., Ltd.
Italy イタリア / Snack スナック菓子  Nutkao
Belgium ベルギー / Biscuits ビスケット  Noble Food Group
Canada カナダ / Banana chips, etc. バナナチップス等スナック菓子  Oh! Naturals
Belgium ベルギー / Ice creams アイスクリーム  COLAC
Spain スペイン / Honey 蜂蜜  Alemany
Ukraine ウクライナ / Berry paste ベリーペースト  LiQberry
Turkey トルコ / Direct juice squeezing, etc. 各種フルーツジュース等色々  Goknur
Costa Rica コスタリカ / Pineapple chunks, etc. 冷凍パイナップル片等  Costa De Oro Internacional S.A.
Costa Rica コスタリカ / Pineapple chunks, etc. ドライバナナ等  Purejoy
UAE アラブ首長国連邦 / Date paste, Premium dates, etc. ナツメヤシペースト、高級ナツメヤシ等  Royal Palm
Tunisia チュニジア / Dried tomatoes, Dried pitted dates, etc. ドライトマト、ドライナツメヤシ等色々   Mila Business Group
Canada カナダ / Blueberries ブルーベリー  Westberry Farms
Austria オーストリア / Pomegranate juice, etc. ザクロジュース等  Rubin Garden Vertriebs GmbH
Poland ポーランド / Berry juice, etc. ベリージュース等  BIO JUICE
Ecuador エクアドル / Coffee コーヒー  El Cafe C.A.
Australia オーストラリア / Coffee コーヒー  Coffee MIO
Czech チェコ / Wine ワイン  Wine Of Czech
Italy イタリア / Wine ワイン  Cantina Frentana
Italy イタリア / Wine ワイン  CASCINA PIAN D’OR Az. Agricola di Barbero Valter
Italy イタリア / Wine ワイン  Cantine Sgarzi Luigi srl
Spain スペイン / Wine ワイン  WINES FROM GALICIA
Spain スペイン / Wine ワイン  Monte La Reina
Spain スペイン / Wine ワイン  VIRGEN DE LAS VINAS
Spain スペイン / Wine ワイン  Bodegas Jimenez-Vila Hnos

EUJEPA Vol.4 / TPP Vol.7 (チーズ、牛肉、シーフード、ワイン Cheese, Beef, Seafood, Wine)







cf. Cheese, etc., Top 10 Importers
EUJEPA-TPP cheese top-10-importers

France フランス Vol.1

Most of the below links (incl tweets) are in English.


France Vol.3 (Finance)
France Vol.4 (Finance)
France Vol.5 (Brands)
France Vol.6 (Food)
France Vol.7 (Pharma/Health/Biotech/Food)
France Vol.8 (Energy/Utilities, Airplane/Train)
France Vol.9 (Digital/Telecommunications/Media)
France Vol.10 (Automobile)
France Vol.11 (United States)
France Vol.12 (U.S., Canada, U.K.)
France Vol.13 (Government, diplomacy, Ireland, technology, etc.)
France Vol.2 (2017 French Presidential Elections)
France Vol.1 (France regions, history, technology, et al.)







