All the below links and tweets are in English.
Science and Technology Vol.83 (incl palladium, platinum) パラジウム、プラチナ など
Science and Technology Vol.79 鉛、水銀
Science and Technology Vol.78 (IgNobel Prizes, zinc, etc.) イグノーベル賞、亜鉛
Science and Technology Vol.77 (aluminium, etc.) アルミニウム
Science and Technology Vol.76 (magnesium, aluminium, etc.) マグネシウム、アルミニウム
palladium、aluminium、magnesium などに関する日本関連ツイート
From Japan to U.S., thieves grab car parts worth more than gold #palladium #rhodium
— Nikkei Asia (@NikkeiAsia) October 25, 2021
Negishi Ei-ichi, born #OTD in 1935, was a Japanese chemist who was awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his work in using palladium as a catalyst in producing organic molecules. He shared the prize with Suzuki Akira and Richard F. Heck.
— Springer Nature (@SpringerNature) July 14, 2021
Funny, I was just wondering yesterday why my dentist was suddenly anxious to use resin instead of palladium, whereas for years the anxiety has been the other way around (Palladium lasts longer). Fun fact #palladium is only used in Japan. #japan #dentistry
— Chris Bartlett (クリス・バートレット) (@BartlettChrisJ) May 8, 2021
Good morning. The Fed starts purchasing corporate bonds, sparking a risk-on move, which weighs on the USD. Bank of Japan pumps ~110 trillion Yen into the economy. Palladium up 2.3% to $1,950.62 per ounce. Platinum climbed 1.1% to $820.49. Silver fell 0.6% to $17.33. #Gold #Coffee
— Cellar Politics® (@CellarPolitics) June 16, 2020
Japanese imports of PGMs in the first 4 months of 2020 was mixed, with palladium weaker by 9% YTD, while inflows of platinum remained 6% higher. Meanwhile, Japanese vehicle production fell 8% in Q1 this year.
Market analysis on Eikon. #preciousmetals— Refinitiv Metals (@Metals) June 5, 2020
Japan, the world’s third-largest economy is switching to #hydrogen to decarbonise. As demand for #hydrogen technology grows so too does the demand for 'green metals' like #platinum, #palladium, #nickel. Our Julimar discovery is shaping up to be a strategic deposit of these metals
— Chalice Mining Limited (@ChaliceMining) June 14, 2021
A look at the map always helps put things into perspective – secure supply lines increasingly vital in PGM market. Japanese interest in #EUA makes sense on global level, much easier to transport palladium from Kola to Japan via rail. looking forward to hearing more on this
— GMF78 (@GMF782) April 19, 2021
Niels daily #trend barometer. Notable trends include Longs: Palladium $PA_f Japanese Gov Bonds (10Y) $JXZ_f Natural Gas $NG_f Shorts: Aluminum $AL_f #TrendFollowing #HappyTrading
— Brian Silcott (@bsilcott) November 18, 2018
Prof. Masahiro Kamitani from the Department of Chemistry at Kitasato University, Japan, introduces the #siliconematerials and recent achievements in their production process with an earth-abundant iron
— Open Access Gov (@OpenAccessGov) October 20, 2021
So what? We have gold, copper, platinum, diamonds, iron, manganese, coal, + but the nation is in ruin.
Taiwan, Norway, Switzerland, Singapore, Japan, Malta, Belgium + don't, great successes. But then they aren't abused by a bloody @MYANC Liberation Movement government either.— ken koen (@kenkoen) October 21, 2021
Copper is currently so expensive that air conditioning manufacturers are switching to aluminium. Japan's Daikin Industries plans to replace half of the copper in its units with aluminium by 2025.
— Innoval Technology (@InnovalBanbury) September 27, 2021
EN+ emphasises the use of low-carbon aluminium for Japan’s Green Growth Strategy #lowcarbonaluminium #RUSAL #ENplusgroup #JapanGreenGrowthStrategy #greenenergytransition #aluminiumsemis #castaluminiumproducts #alcirclenews
— AlCircle (@Alcircle) October 26, 2021
Japan Q4 aluminium premium climbs by 19per cent to US$220/T -sources
— CNA (@ChannelNewsAsia) October 5, 2021
TOKYO, June 11 (Reuters) – Price of #aluminium shipments to Japan for July to Sept set at $185 a ton, up 24.5% from this quarter, as global demand picked up after a pandemic-induced collapse
$149 a ton was paid in the quarter from April to June
Bought shares of $AA recently!
— RetireFund (@Retirefund) June 11, 2021
Some Japanese buyers have settled their July-September cif Japan #aluminium premium at around $79/t over @LME_news (LME) prices with an overseas producer, reflecting continued weakness in the country's aluminium demand | #ArgusMetals
View story:
— Argus Media (@ArgusMedia) July 6, 2020
Seems remarkable that Australia has "voluntarily" (under pressure) cut aluminium exports to the US and it barely provokes controversy. Which country has done that since Japan in the 1980s? ($)
— Richard McGregor (@mcgregorrichard) September 19, 2019
Japan aluminium stocks fall 1.3pc m/m in May –
— Business Recorder (@brecordernews) June 14, 2019
Hard to see the scale but these tiny Japanese aluminium beauties contain 5 litres of beer. In Japan so many craft beer bars are minuscule that size container is practical for storage. Means the beer is fresh but also means forever changing the kegs.
— School of Booze (@SchoolofBooze) September 14, 2018
> @Tesla has successfully gained #tariff exemption for imports of 10,000 tons of aluminium from #Japan. Requests for exemption from other important Chinese imports have been denied due to strategic importance. #USA auto beginning to worry on China supply reliance,
— Mastermines (@LithiumWorld) July 2, 2019
Great work requires great tools. Some tip top stationery brands for you here. Notebook by Metaphys, Japan. Blackwing pencil @Blackwing. Scissors by Human Mechanic Method, Taiwan. Aluminium ruler by Midori, Japan. The rubber tray is by SEJ Design. #natstatweek #stationeryaddict
— White Black Grey (@W_B_G_Shop) April 24, 2018
Aluminium Premium Japan (MJP) had a record month as 4,395 contracts traded while open interest reached an all-time high of 10,542 contracts. Subscribe now to recive monthly updates.
— CME Group (@CMEGroup) April 19, 2018
#Aluminium producers seek up to 24 pct higher Q3 premiums from #Japan buyers -sources
— Eric Onstad (@reutersEricO) May 29, 2018
Aluminum producers seek up to 24 % higher third quarter premiums from Japan buyers #aluminium #Japan #metals
— Metalogic (@metalogicltd) May 31, 2018
India's aluminium makers win Japan sales in market shake-up
— Reuters Asia (@ReutersAsia) October 8, 2018
Sliding Japan premium confirms aluminium's demand problem:
— Andy Home (@AndyHomeMetals) September 13, 2019
The time is now to modernise global #trade and fight non-market-oriented policies. @EU_Aluminium and counterparts in Canada, U.S. and Japan calling for a global multilateral and governmental forum on #aluminium #overcapacity
— Gerd Götz (@GerdGotz) September 25, 2018
We are pleased to announce the Japan Aluminium Association as a partner of the inaugural CRU Aluminum Market Update event. For more information on the 1.5 day meeting taking place in Atlanta here: #CRUaluminum #aluminum
— CRU Events (@CRUconferences) February 6, 2019
U.S. waives tariffs on Japanese aluminium for Tesla battery cells The U.S. Commerce Department has agreed to Tesla Inc's request to waive 10 percent tariffs on imported aluminium from Japan used in the manufacture of ba… via @youhalal #Reuters #Business
— (@YouHalal) June 24, 2019
US Waives Tariffs on Japanese Aluminium for Tesla Battery Cells US Commerce Department has agreed to Tesla’s request to waive 10 percent tariffs on imported aluminium from Japan used in the manufacture of battery cells at Tesla's Nevada Gigafactory.
— SiliconBuy (@SiliconBuyGuide) June 25, 2019
Japan displays Olympic torch for 2020 at the G20 Summit venue. It is made up of recycled aluminium that was originally used in construction of prefabricated housing units in the aftermath of 2011 Japan earthquake.
— Sidhant Sibal (@sidhant) June 28, 2019
Daiki Aluminium Japan, breaks ground for aluminium recycling unit in Sri City investing Rs 250 crore, will create 600 jobs
— AP Development Forum (@apdevforum) March 21, 2019
Mazda's 'Gram strategy' focus on lightweight started with its first car: the 1960 R360. Thanks to a plexiglass rear window, aluminium body parts and aluminium cylinder heads, at only 380kg, it was Japan’s lightest car when it was launched.
— Mazda UK PR (@mazdaukpr) July 14, 2020
Trial of first double stack container was conducted on June 20. Commodities coming as imports are Glycerine, Softwood pulp, Aluminium Scrap, Electric parts etc. Origination of major containers are France, Mexico, Italy, Japan, Germany, UAE. Rake had 178 containers. @fpjindia
— Shashank Rao (@Shashankrao06) June 20, 2021
The meeting between Macron and Trudeau will help the two leaders to agree on and create a common front against America, after US President Donald Trump, decided to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports from Canada, Europe and Japan
— TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) June 7, 2018
China, Japan, South Korea bristle over US steel, aluminium tariffs
— Hindustan Times (@htTweets) March 9, 2018
#Muji Aluminium #Füllfederhalter aus #Japan – #Review und #Test – Link in Bio #fountainpengeeks #füllertinte #madeinjapan #fpgeeks #freefountainpenfriday #penlove…
— Phil Filler (@realphilfiller) July 26, 2020
European Aluminium & aluminium associations from US, Japan, Canada, Brazil, & Mexico call on #G20 leaders to help shape a global level playing field by tackling market-distorting #aluminium overcapacity.
➡️Read the joint letter: #G20Summit
— EUROPEAN ALUMINIUM (@EU_Aluminium) November 30, 2018
Loquats are native to Japan. Another fruit that's foreign to Kenya @justalffie
They are currently in season. Consuming a handful gives you 51% of vitamin B you need daily. They are also high in vitamin c, magnesium, iron, & other minerals.
— God Chosen Client 13173 (@MX_Chychi) August 16, 2021
Native to Taiwan and Japan, this superfood is rich with phytonutrients, including amino acids, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, potassium, phosphorous, biotin, magnesium and the B-complex vitamins.
— Natural Extract (@syextract) March 14, 2018
Popular in #China and #Japan #matcha is a highly nutritional form of #greentea with high concentrations of potassium, magnesium, vitamins A and C.
— World Tea Conference + Expo (@worldteamedia) August 12, 2018
'Volcanic mud water is technically salt water with enough levels of magnesium chloride to set off a chemical reaction. In Japan, this solution, a naturally occurring brine derived traditionally from salt ponds, is called nigari.' #foodhist #Taiwan #Japan
— Gastronomic History (@GastroHistory) April 23, 2021
Love Sushi? You're in luck…. it's great for you!
Raw or sun dried seaweed contains:
High protein content: from 20% in green algae to 70% in spirulina.
High mineral content, especially: iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium.
More vitamin C than oranges.#sushi #love #health #japan— LiveWellDaily (@MarkTho25671873) February 23, 2019
The rock has magnesium, which is good for #tea and creates quick-draining soil. #wazuka #japan
— Juliette Wade (@JulietteWade) August 8, 2019
We are proud to announce the new state-of-the-art #SIGMA #Aizu Facility for Magnesium Alloy Processing in Japan. The factory will be dedicated to the processing of magnesium alloy, a useful component that provides toughness and durability for our products while being lightweight.
— Sigma India (@Sigma_India) September 27, 2018
Advantages for LED Shoebox:
150Lm/w LED Shoebox IP66, 5 years warranty.
1. Light effiency up to 150Lm/w.
2. Nichia 757-V1 chip which imported from Japan directly.
3. Magnesium alloy heatsink.
4. Meanwell HLG driver
5. Daylight/ Motion sensor option.
6.IP66 for wet location— Amelia (@Ameliazhou3) July 17, 2018
New Measurements of Exotic Form of Magnesium Suggest a Surprising Shape-Shift
This instrumentation at Japan’s Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory in Wako, Japan, was used in an experiment to create an exotic magnesium isotope. (Credit: Heather Crawford/Berkeley Lab) )
Just ov…
— Delicious Offer (@deliciousoffer) February 11, 2019
The most beautiful hot springs in the world are Shirahone Hot Springs, Japan. "white bone" hot spring, is a resort town in the North Japanese Alps. The names of the springs come from the milky white water they contain, caused by the deposition of magnesium and calcium deposits
— Helena Ereditsh Dr (@ereditsh) November 12, 2019
LOADING FOR JAPAN KILN#refractory #cement #magnesium #bricks #rotary #kiln
— LZRefractory (@lzr_linda) April 16, 2020
The @INTLMagOrg is invites abstracts of papers proposed for presentation at 77th Annual IMA World Magnesium Conference, 13-15 May 2020, in Fukuoka, Japan.
— Light Metal Age (@LightMetalAge) November 5, 2019
"Why is the goddamn magnesium chloride liquid in the States that fishy? In Japan, it is made into such tablets that you can eat easily without pinching your nose. So don't ask me about the sebum and keratotic plugs. Hai capito?"
— PSO J318.5-22 (@tacklesun) August 9, 2019
Demand for magnesium products in Japan will increase by 9.4% YOY in 2019
—-Interview with Mr. Saito Hajime
Chuokosan Co., Ltd.— Asian Metal (@AsianMetal) July 25, 2019
Asian Metal visits Advanced Material, Shinwa Bussan and The Japan Magnesium Association
On 3 December, 2018, Ms. Daphne Zhang, Consultant of magnesium industry & senior product manager from Asian Metal …
— Asian Metal (@AsianMetal) January 9, 2019
Asian Metal visits Daiki Aluminium, Japan Materials
On 5 December, 2018, Ms. Daphne Zhang, Consultant of magnesium industry & senior product manager from Asian Metal visited Daiki Aluminium Industry Co., Ltd. and Japan Materials Co., Ltd.
— Asian Metal (@AsianMetal) January 10, 2019
From SmallCapsComAu " Latrobe Magnesium heading into production as world faces severe metal shortage " published 26/10/2021 $LMG $MIN $ING $RES #Japan #China #Tech
Where Do You Get Your News?— Blue Harvest Digital (@BluHrvstDigital) October 25, 2021
Shendiao International Energy Group: independent production and operation: 1) steel (including steel bar, wire rod, hot coil, cold rolling, zinc, aluminum and magnesium, Japan made iron, South Korea POSCO stainless steel series products).
— 神雕国际能源集团 (@UZshtmXeuDZklD3) September 25, 2020
'Minamata' is an important & compelling film about the tragedy at Minamata, Japan & photojournalist W. Eugene Smith, whose photos captured the souls of the suffering. Mercury poisoning still occurs in the world today, causing harm.
Out in Cinema October 28, 2021.
— The Right Side of the Roaring Rapids (@roaringrapids22) October 25, 2021
Japan rediscovers Minamata ecological disaster – In the 1950s, the city’s inhabitants fell severely ill due to severe mercury poisoning that came from contaminated fish.
–— (@iWeller_health) October 22, 2021
Koshiba was instrumental in the construction of the Kamiokande experiment — a huge neutrino detector located 1000 metres underground in a lead and zinc mine in central Japan
— Physics World (@PhysicsWorld) November 13, 2020