続き cont.
Czechia チェコ
Karlín, out of the tourists' beaten track, but with so many housings and buildings full of characters. The church of St. Cyrillus and St. Methodius with its neo-romanesque façade and byzantine inspired interior has become my favorite church in Prague. pic.twitter.com/VFHgtyabhq
— SUZUKI Hideo 鈴木秀生 (@velvyslanecJP) January 22, 2022
Training our partners' armed forces (in this case 🇻🇳) for peacekeeping operations: one valuable way for our like-minded 🇪🇺 friends to engage in free and open #IndoPacific . https://t.co/B8P9SK0IiC
— SUZUKI Hideo 鈴木秀生 (@AmbHideoSuzuki) January 20, 2022
Společně s kolegy velvyslanci jsme se minulý týden sešli u charitativního koncertu pořádaného DSA (Diplomatic Spouses association). Výtěžek z našich darů směřoval třem místním charitativním sdružením:
(Photos by Gherciu Serghei) pic.twitter.com/TlmZqBdS61
— SUZUKI Hideo 鈴木秀生 (@velvyslanecJP) December 13, 2021
チェコ下院が、食器等使い捨てプラスチック禁止法案の議論を開始。 https://t.co/K1eu24plLG pic.twitter.com/aXDt3NJPz1
— SUZUKI Hideo 鈴木秀生 (@velvyslanecJP) January 26, 2022
2022年2月3日、チェコ共和国大使館と在日チェコ商工会議所(CCCIJ)はチェコ企業の外国での経済・ビジネス活動を支援するプロジェクト PROPEAの今年の提携を結びました。このプロジェクトによって多くのチェコの企業が日本に進出できることを期待しています。#CzechEmbassyTokyo pic.twitter.com/dzFWNAHKKd
— チェコ共和国【公式】 (@JpCzechRepublic) February 4, 2022
この新しい望楼は、南モラヴィア州の3つの村(Hýsly – Ježov – Žádovice)
の住民の団結の象徴として建てられました。3つの村のいずれからでも訪れることができます。📸IG: southmoravia #チェコへ行こう #チェコ建築探訪 pic.twitter.com/Y7qLjfUjZ5
— チェコ共和国【公式】 (@Czechia_JP) February 1, 2022
本日2月3日は、チェコを代表する小説家、ボフミル・フラバル(1914-1997)の没後25年の命日です。代表作の『わたしは英国王に給仕した』『厳重に監視された列車』『剃髪式』などは映画化もされており、日本でも多くの邦訳が出版されています。この機会にぜひご覧ください。#チェコセンター #チェコ pic.twitter.com/yU9VQIBOSp
— チェコセンター東京 / Czech Centre Tokyo (@CzechTokyo) February 3, 2022
先日行われたテニス全豪オープン・女子ダブルスにて、チェコのバルボラ・クレイチーコヴァー&カテジナ・シニアコヴァーペアが優勝を果たしました!🥳🏆東京2020オリンピックでも金メダルに輝いたお二人です。おめでとうございます!https://t.co/8sxHJ1w5Jn#チェコセンター #チェコ
— チェコセンター東京 / Czech Centre Tokyo (@CzechTokyo) February 1, 2022
昨日やっとヴァーツラフ・ハヴェルの哲学や思想の背景にあるもの、先祖から受け継いだ影響、宗教の影響等の「チェコ文化枠内におけるハヴェルの精神伝記」を読み終わった。また少し違う角度からハヴェルの人生について様々なヒントを得て、視野を開いてくれる良い読書だった。 pic.twitter.com/qwJx4LYF0V
— ヤクブ @ チェコセンター🇨🇿 (@Kubavalek) February 3, 2022
We love to see our #gameindustry represented at Czech Game Show at @CzechTokyo: a selection of globally successful games, from Samorost and Happy Game by @Amanita_Design to mobile games by @MADFINGERGames or @CBEsoftware's Someday You'll Return! https://t.co/uHkfTJboTv
— brnoregion (@brnoregion) September 20, 2021
Enjoyed this piece about Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, an Austrian-Japanese pioneer of European integration (1894-1972).
Juxtaposed against the story of current day Tokyo-born Czech right-wing politician Tomio Okamura.https://t.co/6PebTh45Ye
— the tokyo files (@thetokyofiles) December 26, 2021
@Ceska_centra @CzechCentreLnd @CzechCenter @CzechCentreBER @CzechCentreBxl @CzechTokyo @CzechMFA
— Radio Prague International (@RadioPrague) November 18, 2021
There were many striking tidbits in this excellent analysis of recent Czech elections by @DaliborRohac such as: The leader of the most radical anti-immigration party, Tomio Okamura, was born in Tokyo to a Japanese father and a Czech mother:) Subsrcibe! https://t.co/CYBVcVBrOT
— shikha sood dalmia (@shikhadalmia) October 26, 2021
#MeetArtist! Media artist Soichiro Mihara, who was also invited to Plzeň 2015 (Czech Republic), participates in the online distribution program of the Tokyo 2020 NIPPON Festival. You can experience his work “Study of Air” online! Please take a look!https://t.co/toxPJ6Nydb
— EU-Japan Fest (@EU_Japan_Fest) September 7, 2021
Am proud to be the patron of the Czech – British Chamber of Commerce.
At the annual dinner last night with @CzechLondon Ambassador Marie Chatardová and Ladislav Hornan from the Chamber.
Growing two-way investment and trade interest between the two countries! pic.twitter.com/7s2FWR4lOt
— Greg Hands (@GregHands) January 22, 2022
Ambassador Bagis enjoyed hosting leaders of the Muslim community of Czech Republic at an iftar dinner at his official residence.
Attention was attributed to social distance sensitivities with Mr. Muneeb Alrawi of Brno,Mr. Lazhar Maamri of Prague & Dr. Abbas Jahaf of Teplice. pic.twitter.com/xfgQqbGOfi
— TurkishEmbassyPrague (@TurkishEmbassyP) May 22, 2020
So i was with my family on a really good steak dinner and not gonna lie it was delicious, I've been surprised how good food there where, absolutely recommended if you will someday visit Pilsner near Nepomuk town.#Food #czech #dinner #angusfarm pic.twitter.com/QVKEn6Xy8W
— chamelongg (@chamelongg) August 19, 2021
Audition for our full-time training programme in…
🇵🇹 Portugal #Porto
🇮🇹 Italy #Rome and #Livorno
🇨🇿 The Czech Republic #Brno
🇯🇵 Japan #TokyoFind out more: https://t.co/r7EZPAfoEk pic.twitter.com/Vz5aw9QMzl
— Royal Ballet School (@RoyalBalletSch) November 4, 2021
St. Louis Kolache features both sweet and savory fillings in its assortment of kolaches.https://t.co/FpuNyLcllZ
— Riverfront Times (@RiverfrontTimes) February 2, 2022
I like my men like I like my Czech food, a complete mess on the outside, actually amazing once you get to know them pic.twitter.com/y3iKcAuU9z
— Outstar (@outstarwalker) October 26, 2021
Kofola! This is a unique drink I discovered in the Czech Republic. It was originally invented in Soviet times because Coke was unavailable. It'd delicious and has its own distinct taste. #Travel #food
Find out more about Czech food & drink with my guidehttps://t.co/nhMYFVJIwy
— Travels_with_my_Belly (@TravelsBelly) January 29, 2022
20 Must Try #Food In The Czech Republic #dinner #lunch #travel https://t.co/EyKCyrtZ6X pic.twitter.com/sUk1E0Qzkr
— Hungry? (@lovetoeatalways) May 9, 2019
Tuesday October 8 from 5-9 join us and O.T. Brewing for the release of our collaboration Czech Pilsner. Tickets are $30 and include a flight of four Pilsners as well as a traditional Czech style dinner. Tickets available at https://t.co/TuwDFVfMM1 pic.twitter.com/0fMlDUShVw
— Paddys Barbecue & Brewery (@paddysbrewbecue) September 12, 2019
Our authentic Czech dinner I made on Christmas Eve! Potato Soup, Roast Sirloin in Cream Sauce, and h'ordeuvre sandwiches. Yum! pic.twitter.com/2U5Ujmitc5
— CoolCzech (@CoolCzech1) December 27, 2019
behold, traditional czech christmas dinner: breaded steak (or "more" traditionally carp fillet) with potato salad pic.twitter.com/ekR3Tg7pqT
— Krisha (wanna buy an art?) (@KrishaCZ) January 7, 2022
Traditional Czech dinner here in Prague pic.twitter.com/e3NRC5Durb
— Jalen Bradley (@JalenBradley1) December 26, 2021
This quintessential #Czech recipe, featuring savory duck, will have your friends flocking to the dinner table.
Taste the flavors of #Prague tonight: https://t.co/XSLWiLgoF5. #MyVikingStory pic.twitter.com/fMOQ4WyrTj
— Viking (@VikingCruises) May 16, 2019
🇨🇿 If you’re not a fan of turkey for your Christmas dinner then the Czech Republic might be the place for you.
🐟 Czech families tuck into a carp on Christmas Eve – which is traditionally kept alive in their bathtubs until then… 🛁https://t.co/kzDqE2PNYj
— euronews (@euronews) December 24, 2021
14 Foods & Drinks To Czech Out In Prague pic.twitter.com/W6xftRaDvf
— BuzzFeed Food (@BuzzFeedFood) December 31, 2021
People in Prague gathered around a 500-metre-long dinner table to celebrate the end of most #Covid19 restrictions in the Czech Republic 🎉🍽️
Read more: https://t.co/Dide7izg1r pic.twitter.com/BzvAec21u7
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) July 1, 2020
People in Prague built a 1,600-foot table and held a massive dinner party, to celebrate the end of lockdown.
However, the Czech Republic is still banning many foreigners from crossing its borders — a rule that allowed the event to take place. https://t.co/3lakWJDToL
— CNN International (@cnni) July 1, 2020
Slovakia スロバキア
The Slovak organisation AnimeCrew will receive the Japanese Foreign Minister's Commendation for their work. https://t.co/DRXl3e6TYa
— The Slovak Spectator (@slovakspectator) November 20, 2021
🇸🇰🛰️ ANOTHER SLOVAK SATELLITE IN ORBIT Congratulations @tuke_sk, @spacemanictech, @needronix, STU Bratislava & other Slovak entities as well as partners from 🇨🇿Czechia, 🇭🇺Hungary, and 🇯🇵Japan! More info about the GRBAlpha project here: https://t.co/6bI60X22bj pic.twitter.com/XElPIf4kVw
— Michal Brichta (@MichalBrichta) March 23, 2021
Another treat. Today’s insightful lecture on the Slovak-Japanese relations 🇸🇰🇯🇵, delivered by the Japanese Amb. Makoto Nakagawa, organized by our students from the #CenterOfNationsSlovakia student society. For all our upcoming events check out➡️ https://t.co/iOPevwZFu9 pic.twitter.com/di4AWEl8sv
— FPVMV @ UMB (@FPVMV_UMB) March 11, 2021
The #GRBAlpha spacecraft of the Technical University of Kosice @tuke_sk got 2nd place in GK’s & @iafastro competition. Truly international 1U SC is now at the #Baikonur awaiting the #Soyuz-2 LV launch. Countries involved in SC development: Slovakia, Bratislava, Hungary & Japan. pic.twitter.com/IA68PVMfaE
— GK Launch Services (@gk_launch) February 26, 2021
Can this man convince more #Japanese tourists to explore #Bratislava and #Slovakia? #Japan #podcast https://t.co/JugMKGArHf
— Peter D (@PeterDlhopolec) December 11, 2020
@PellegriniP_ & @konotaromp discussing🇸🇰 🇯🇵 bilateral & multilateral coop. Good synergies btw Slovak chairmanship MCM2019 & Japanese @g20org in the topic of digitalisation pic.twitter.com/S5MXIe0n33
— Dušan Matulay (@MatulayDusan) May 22, 2019
Very productive meeting w/Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono @konotaromp. We discussed synergies of Slovak #OECD & Japanese #G20 Presidencies w/ focus on digital agenda. pic.twitter.com/07fA9vApih
— Peter Pellegrini (@PellegriniP_) May 22, 2019
Family photo of the Heads of Governments of the Visegrad Group Countries #V4 and Japan in #Bratislava. pic.twitter.com/O6eFkd07BY
— Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland (@PremierRP_en) April 25, 2019
Prime Minister Abe meets Prime Minister Pellegrini of the #SlovakRepublic at #Bratislava Castle, prior to the V4+Japan leaders meeting. This marks the first visit by the Japanese Prime Minister to #Slovakia. #PMinAction pic.twitter.com/xZVpukcjdy
— ISHIGAKI Tomoaki 石垣友明 (@TomoakiIshigaki) April 25, 2019
During the V4+Japan meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia, Prime Minister Abe met with Prime Minister Babiš of the Czech Republic, and reaffirmed strong bilateral ties. The year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of bilateral relationship between the two nations. #PMinAction pic.twitter.com/jxNbUXxkdl
— PM's Office of Japan (@JPN_PMO) April 25, 2019
Having completed V4+Japan leaders meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia, Prime Minister Abe leaves from Vienna to Brussels, next destination of his one-week trip to Europe and North America. #PMinAction pic.twitter.com/yV2s3ShJIl
— PM's Office of Japan (@JPN_PMO) April 25, 2019
Ahead of @OSCE Asian Conference in Tokyo, #OSCE #Troika at work ! @AlleAzzoni @AlMissionUN @MiroslavLajcak @Slovakia_OSCE pic.twitter.com/FnBCn2sMZr
— Italy at OSCE (@ItalyatOSCE) September 2, 2019
The Japan 🇯🇵 – #Visegrad Four 🇵🇱🇭🇺🇨🇿🇸🇰 summit in Bratislava to be held on the April 24th, just a day before the 2nd BRI Forum in Beijing#Japan's got an edge in this competition: big dev. finance capacity and know-how + great relations with the EUhttps://t.co/OHVyqSOTwi
— Jakub Jakóbowski (@J_Jakobowski) April 24, 2019
My friend František Šebej, Chairman of Foreign Rel. Commitee of Slovak parliament has received Order of the Rising Sun with Gold and Silver Rays by Emperor of Japan 🇯🇵 yesterday, for his life long contribution to Karate and Slovak-Japanese relations. Congrats and well deserved! pic.twitter.com/dpAKv5MADU
— Miroslav Wlachovsky (@MWlachovsky) February 15, 2018
#V4+ #Japan MoU in #Bratislava: Tokyo to contribute 100K € to joint R&D @PolandMFA @SlovakiaMFA @VisegradFund pic.twitter.com/P4eoLTQpaE
— Tomasz Chłoń (@TomaszChlon) September 23, 2014
Celebrating another side of our Slovak-Japanese family heritage, and my roots in Punxsutawney PA: Groundhog Day tradition at our house: the noble Holubky. #SlovaksRock @SlovakiaMFA pic.twitter.com/8Zrt2n7O1Y
— Gavin Schrock (@schrockg) February 2, 2019
Round table to discuss the establishment of an International #3Rs Centers Network with leaders from Prague, Bratislava, Tokyo, Berlin, Oslo and Budapest #EUSAAT #animalresearch #EARA pic.twitter.com/j8mmwkM4FW
— EARA (@The_EARA) October 12, 2019
Rehak Stefecekova wins the third Olympic medal in Tokyo – the best in the history of Slovakiahttps://t.co/Y7WDPXujTL pic.twitter.com/S0gQQpsYmn
— ISSF (@ISSF_Shooting) July 29, 2021
"Fellow citizens, we regret to inform you that with the postponement of the Tokyo games, Rory Sabbatini will remain a Slovak citizen for at least another year. Fortunately, he is sheltering in place at Rancho De Bratislava, which happens to be in Texas." pic.twitter.com/OYW4LuOlGx
— Job Fickett (@jwfickett) March 24, 2020
Before she became one of the world's top skiers, Petra Vlhova of Slovakia was a little girl with a speech impediment and a love for riding motorbikes. https://t.co/Y9XRvhjeIi
— Japan Times: Sports (@jt_sports) February 2, 2022
"Gregg Losinski … communications manager for the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee. That helped him explore brown bear management in many other parts of the world, including Japan, Slovakia and Norway." https://t.co/6HiK3Eemgj
— Bear Trust International (@BearTrust) January 28, 2022
👩🏽🔬 #MeetGlaukosPartners
🎙️ Interview to #BarbaraDanak, @nexisfibers https://t.co/NaNnfDl8Uo— ECOTOX (@ECOTOX2) April 27, 2021
#MemberMonday Nexis Fibers has been a member for 17 years! Nexis fibers provides high and super high tenacity multifilament Polyamide 6 yarns for specialty and industrial rope and net markets. Nexis aims to create the next generation of industrial yarns. pic.twitter.com/Ybn1MfjTbb
— Cordage Institute (@Cord_Institute) June 29, 2020
I'm committed to translating "Dr. Satoshi's Orange Pill" into additional languages with the #bitcoin community's help. So far, 13 are done.
3 in progress: Japanese (@lev3864) Slovak (@SSatoshiho), Czech (@OldrichPeprla). Will organize all 16 once completed for reference. THANKS! pic.twitter.com/05HNYFeOo0
— Lucho Poletti (@LuchoPoletti) September 10, 2020
Food adventures around Europe: Bryndza in Slovakia. #Food #travel pic.twitter.com/OAj9wLLye5
— PKT Adventures (@PKTAdventures) September 30, 2020
Thank you @RehakLubomir @tberuch and @DRehakova for glorious celebration of @Slovakia_OSCE & Slovak-Georgian friendship with🇬🇪🇸🇰& food & wine and sublime music, including… pic.twitter.com/jlZlni4ZUE
— Embassy Magazine (@EmbassyMagazine) March 8, 2019
Try the most delicious and traditional Slovak food 😋 #Goodideaslovakiahttps://t.co/5wyIAflpI2#yummymummy #yummyfood #Food #foodlover #Tasting #greatfood pic.twitter.com/xtg4M1LnQu
— Visit Slovakia (@SlovakTB) August 30, 2018
This is Slovak national dish. It requires certain sheep cheese. I always wanted this to be special and in 18 years abroad I never ordered any Slovak food. Until now, because I haven’t been home for more than one year. Remember, this is true for many scientists and our coworkers. pic.twitter.com/yKlbj3EZpE
— Ivana Fleischer (@FleischerLab) April 27, 2021
one has to go, slovak food edition pic.twitter.com/YhqEKLQN8d
— VINEA (@pigtechnooinky) February 4, 2022
Nothing beats authentic #Slovak food, and it doesn't get more authentic than bryndzové halušky. #PolyglotGathering pic.twitter.com/roBJZJCMfi
— Lingotastic (@Lingotasticuk) June 2, 2018
Slovak national food – potato dumplings with sheep cheese.
Yes it looks like someone ate it before you but it tastes like heaven.
And yes that is bacon fat and no I am not sorry. pic.twitter.com/8fCuz3AjFw— anna | AOTD 3 (@tutenhamoun) September 12, 2020
Attending annual British Czech&Slovak Association dinner with @RehakLubomir Sk Amb to UK & @RobertsWyn former HMA to Sk cementing friendship pic.twitter.com/HsGFqAlaB4
— Dr Charles Tannock (@CharlesTannock) November 25, 2016
Next stop on our #RATIONALChristmas journey
🎄🎅 The rehearsal for the traditional #Czech and #Slovak Christmas Eve dinner, which ended up great! 🐟 soup, fried carp, escalope & 🥔 salad – with these you just can’t mess up! What is your tradition? Share your ideas with us! pic.twitter.com/TiRDmt6auU— RATIONAL (@RATIONAL_AG) December 15, 2020
Going to work early to buy my Slovak dinner. One of my favorite ethnic days! #Kennywood http://t.co/JHGA31m3UQ pic.twitter.com/sBAmfDu25a
— Becky Cibulka (@BCib80pgh) July 16, 2015
From Slovakia with love 🇸🇰
Thanks to the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, Monica Tomasovicova and her embassy for hosting our coach Jozef Vukusic to a Christmas dinner last night🎄🍽
We’re proud to welcome Mrs Tomasovicova into the AmaZulu family 💚#Usuthu_Pride pic.twitter.com/fQBsLiX9ss
— AmaZulu FC (@AmaZuluFootball) December 6, 2019
Gettin our Slovak on for dinner, as per tradition. pic.twitter.com/4yHcCuRo72
— Billy? For Spring? Groundbreaking. (@waflanagan) April 4, 2021
Typical #Slovak #dinner (with tofu instead of bacon) pic.twitter.com/1EQKpos7pK
— Blue ✒️ (@AnxiousSlav) July 14, 2019
Ok here's the cabbage conclusion! Slovak Sunday dinner pic.twitter.com/nVgrjlUpKw
— spiderwife (@the_spiderwife) September 13, 2020
We had Christmas alone this year, but that didn’t stop us from having a traditional Slovak Christmas Eve dinner. And we did have a special guest at the table. pic.twitter.com/7BZJWCo7Uu
— leamarie (@leamarie) December 25, 2020
The pirogies and onions are always the fan favorite of our traditional Slovak Christmas Eve dinner. pic.twitter.com/2yVioEvM7F
— Andy Smarick (@smarick) December 25, 2017
#Slovak Dinner!
Beef goulash
Creamed Brussel Sprouts
Cabbage patty
Sautéed Mushrooms with sour cream
Dill Pickles https://t.co/H6e1cU5VFo pic.twitter.com/56fVW7i3oz— Tommy Galan (@TommyGalan) June 1, 2018
Traditional Slovak dinner with friend here in Zilina.. Bryndzove halusky & Kofola in the 1st pic & Sulance in the 2nd pic.twitter.com/ISOvseCxJH
— Simon Chalk FRSA (@TheChalkmeister) January 20, 2015