Most of the below links and tweets are in English.
Canada Vol.48 (Québec – Montréal: nationalpost, globalnews, torontostar) モントリオール
Canada Vol.47 (Québec – Montréal: OttawaCitizen, CP24, CTVNews, CBCNews, mtlgazette, etc.) モントリオール
Canada Vol.46 (Québec – province)
Canada Vol.45 (Québec – cities incl Gatineau, Québec City) モントリオール以外の各市(ガティノーやケベックシティを含む)
1-déc: Le Consul Général Izawa en visioconférence avec le DG d’IVADO pour parler d’intelligence artificielle nippo-québécoise.
Dec-1: Consul General Izawa videoconferencing with the CEO of IVADO to talk Japan-Quebec artificial intelligence.
— Consulat Japon à Montréal|在モントリオール総領事館 (@JaponMontreal) December 1, 2020
🇫🇷#Parlezvousfrançais ? Si en France on "jette l’éponge" pour abandonner, au Japon il s'agit de la serviette ! Cette expression vient des tournois de boxe : le soigneur jette l’éponge pour signifier l’abandon du boxeur. Au Québec aussi on jette la serviette pour s'avouer vaincu.
— La France au Japon🇫🇷🇪🇺 (@ambafrancejp) November 13, 2019
Triste histoire que celle de Diane Ménard de @ville_gatineau, confinée à sa cabine dans un bateau au Japon. Sa santé pourrait également se détériorer puisqu’elle n’a plus de médicaments pour traiter son diabète. Ma question @FP_Champagne aujourd'hui #polcan #polqc @PCC_HQ @CPC_HQ
— Alain Rayes (@AlainRayes) February 6, 2020
Here is a to-scale superposition the Shinkansen main line on the USA. Its *entire* rail length would be almost exactly that of a single hypothetical Montreal-Atlanta line. They are adding a direct Tokyo-Osaka link (black) for the low price of $80bn. It will be done in 2045.
— Quantian (@quantian1) April 4, 2021
Thank you to our sponsors this year!#cccj #golf #japan #canada #thankyou @AirCanada @BMW @CanEmbJapan @GolfInJapan @GrandHyattTokyo @MapleLeafFoods @QuebecJapon @TACtokyo @TsutsujigaokaCC @WeberGrills
— Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan (@cccjapon) April 28, 2021
A ribbon cutting ceremony today to open our Canadian pavilion at #nanotech2019 here in Japan. Thank you to @CanEmbJapan, the Alberta-Japan office, @QuebecJapon, and the Ontario-Japan office for your incredible support of this event and these innovative Canadian organizations.
— NanoCanada (@Nano_Canada) January 30, 2019
Now Online for free. Freiras de Nagasaki (Les sœurs de Nagasaki) de Alain Vézina. Documentary about Quebec nuns who survived the atomic bomb attack on Nagasaki. French with Portuguese subtitles. Uranium Film Festival Rio 2021 &
— International Uranium Film Festival (@URANIUMFESTIVAL) May 21, 2021
Must read. Amongst other things, Great interview with SEA’s CEO from Singapore. Especially for you @SilvermanDan. @MRIF_Quebec @Quebec_India @QuebecJapon @JeanFrederic_LT @sergueileclerc
— Québec à Singapour (@QuebecSingapour) October 10, 2020
Notre mission commerciale au Japon avec des #entreprises de nos cohortes se poursuit!
1st day @ the #JapanITWeek @ the #Canadian pavilion w/ the support of @CanadaTrade &the #Quebec general delegation in #Tokyo.
You can apply to our program until May 19:
— la base entrepreneuriale HEC Montréal (@labaseHEC) May 8, 2019
Quebec’s Beauce region is contrarian, dubbed “Quebec’s Japan,” it has built a thriving economy on entrepreneurship. In starting his own party, Maxime Bernier shows he will go his own way. Polls suggest his PPC will not win seats in this election. #elxn44
— iPolitics (@ipoliticsca) September 15, 2021
Crise du coronavirus : une école de Gatineau annule un voyage au Japon
— ICI Ottawa Gatineau (@iciottgat) February 26, 2020
De la part du famille du Best Western Plus Gatineau-Ottawa, nous souhaitons à Annie-Claude les meilleures chances dans son prochain projet qui sera au Japon. Viens nous voir quand tu reviendras au Canada et tu seras toujours la bienvenue au BW+ !!! #BWsmiles
— BW Plus Gatineau (@BWGatineau) June 29, 2018
Deuxième médaille d'or pour Mikaël Kingsbury au Japon #ottawa #gatineau
— LeDroit (@LeDroitca) February 20, 2017
Nombre d'activités culturelles sont reliées à l'expo JAPON – Tradition. Innovation. RSVP maintenant! #Gatineau
— Musée canadien de l’histoire (@MusCanHistoire) June 8, 2011
Le Québec vieillit. Avec le Japon et la Corée du Sud, c'est l'une des sociétés où le vieillissement est le plus rapide dans le monde.
Les détails avec @vmaisonneuve#Santé #Québec
— Patrice Roy (@PatriceRoyTJ) January 27, 2021
No spooky Halloween parties this year sadly! Let's stay safe at home and play (horror) games or watch some (scary) movies.
But we still have a few photos from the past years for you, featuring #KWSfamily members in Brighton, Manila, Montreal and Tokyo.— Keywords Studios (@KeywordsStudios) October 29, 2020
Not exactly Tokyo but veryyy excited to be in Montreal for a fun project!
— Nick McCarvel (@NickMcCarvel) July 22, 2021
So proud to finally be able to share months of efforts with the @MomentFactory teams in Montreal and Tokyo, on this ambitious mixed reality segment of the Closing Ceremony. #multimediadirector
— Aude Guivarc'h (@audemaeva) August 9, 2021
Haley Daniels and COC President Tricia Smith both made history in their respective Olympic disciplines. Haley competed in the women's canoe slalom event debuting at Tokyo 2020 while Tricia was among those who competed in the inaugural women’s rowing events at Montreal 1976.
— Team Canada PR (@TeamCanadaPR) July 29, 2021
A rare international pairs win for Japan as Miura Riku and Kihara Ryuichi completed victory in the Autumn Classic in Montreal.
Vanessa James and Olympic gold medallist Eric Radford took second on their competitive debut.@ISU_Figure @SkateCanada #ACI21
— Olympics (@Olympics) September 17, 2021
Japan's Miura Riku and Kihara Ryuichi have skated their way into first at the Autumn Classic in Montreal after the pairs short program.
James/Radford are second; Cain-Gribble/LeDuc third.@ISU_Figure @SkateCanada #ACI21
— Olympics (@Olympics) September 16, 2021
The duo faced a deduction for a fall, but still sit in 2nd place after the short program
Japan's Riku Miura and Ryuichi Kihara are in 1st
— CBC Olympics (@CBCOlympics) September 16, 2021
Montreal native made it to Tokyo as alternate following injury to South African athlete@CanSkateboard
— CBC Olympics (@CBCOlympics) July 26, 2021
Skateboarding has made its Olympic debut and Canada has sent three athletes: Micky Papa and Matt Berger in the street event and Andy Anderson in the park event. @AndiPetrillo breaks down how the sport is pivoting into the Olympic sphere ⬇️
— CBC Olympics (@CBCOlympics) July 25, 2021
Catherine Beauchemin-Pinard of Montreal has won bronze in judo at the Tokyo Olympics.
— Global Montreal (@Global_Montreal) July 27, 2021
Thirty-five athletes with connections to Ottawa, Gatineau or eastern Ontario will be participating in the Summer Games in Tokyo this year.
— CTV Ottawa (@ctvottawa) July 20, 2021
I love the Olympic Games. The first I remember is Montreal. Tokyo hosting could have been amazing (think of the Rugby World Cup) This is so sad – but probably inevitable. The very best to all athletes.
— gkt_wales (@gkt_wales) July 8, 2021
Here's the facts – Tokyo, Mississauga, Raleigh, Kansas City, Milwaukee, Melbourne, France, Montreal – the only places benefiting from Scott Moe's jobs plan.
Not Saskatchewan#skpoli #skvotes #skdebate
— Saskatchewan New Democrats (@Sask_NDP) October 15, 2020
"Après le Japon, l’Australie, les États-Unis et l’Europe, #Tableau mise sur la métropole québécoise pour y installer son infrastructure infonuagique.
Tableau espère ainsi accélérer le chargement et l’actualisation des extractions de #données. "
— Opera Conseil (@operaconseil) September 16, 2021
Next month’s @MUTEK_ES+@MUTEK_AR just released the first artists of MUTEK Connect program, streaming from 4 cities: Montréal, Mexico, Tokyo, and Valencia. Take a look at the programming and register for free on #MUTEKES #MUTEKAR #MUTEKConnect
— MUTEK Montréal (@MUTEK_Montreal) April 16, 2021
This is the latest installment of our Iconic Home Designs series, exploring classic house types in global cities. This year we're extending our global reach, with articles coming up on Beirut, Tokyo, Stockholm, New Orleans, Accra, Baltimore and Montreal.
— Feargus O'Sullivan (@FeargusOSull) March 24, 2021
600 CENTRALES AU CHARBON! La Chine, l'Inde, l'Indonésie, le Japon et le Vietnam, construiront 600 centrales au charbon pour produire 300GW d'électricité! (Hydro-Québec 37GW). Qui pense que les mesures pour changer le CLIMAT vont changer quelque chose!
— Michel Morin (@morininfo) June 30, 2021
"Broke-Ass City: I’d want to make sure I’m not taking resources away from any of the people who live there, but I’m currently dreaming of Mexico or Montreal, Tokyo or Tunisia, New Orleans or New York."
— SF Examiner (@sfexaminer) March 26, 2021
"LA, Montreal, Tokyo, London, Seoul, Helsinki. These are the places that come to mind when we think of game development, right? It will soon be time to add Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide to that list."
— DEVELOP (@developonline) July 23, 2021
En medio de fuertes aplausos, fue recibido el grupo de deportistas y entrenadores que arribó ayer a La Habana, tras competir en los Juegos Paralímpicos Tokio-2020, encabezados por la tricampeona, Omara Durand, y el joven saltador Robiel Sol#SomosCuba
— Consulado General Cuba Montreal (@CGCuba_Montreal) September 14, 2021
Les #heatdome #domedechaleur ont toujours existé mais leur intensité/conséquences sont rendues +fortes dans un climat +chaud.
Nombreux exemples en juillet 2018 : multiples canicules extrêmes (Japon, Californie, Québec, Scandinavie, Algérie, Asie centrale)— Etienne Kapikian (@EKMeteo) July 5, 2021