In Japan, where Omicron infections are spiking, the government says it plans to put new restrictions in place. Find out how our data team is tracking the variant's spread
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) January 20, 2022
Japan increasing restrictions amid COVID-19 surge caused by omicron variant
— The Hill (@thehill) January 19, 2022
Tokyo and a dozen other areas will be placed under new restrictions for COVID-19 effective Friday, allowing local leaders to shorten hours for eateries, as a surge in omicron cases threatens to paralyze society.
— The Associated Press (@AP) January 19, 2022
Japan widens COVID-19 curbs as Omicron drives record infections
— Reuters (@Reuters) January 19, 2022
Japan is set to approve new coronavirus restrictions on a large part of the country, including Tokyo, as it battles record infections fuelled by the Omicron variant
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) January 19, 2022
Calls are growing in Japan to treat Covid-19 as endemic, adding to a global chorus pushing for a return to normal life
— Bloomberg (@business) January 20, 2022
Gains in Japan’s exports narrowed slightly in December, led by cars and steel
— Bloomberg (@business) January 20, 2022
Tokyo reported 4,561 coronavirus cases on Saturday, topping 4,000 for a second day, with the highly contagious omicron variant spreading across Japan
— Bloomberg (@business) January 15, 2022
Omicron increased Japan avg cases/day from 344 (Jan-1) to 18,823 (today) in only 16 days.
Nations w/ high COVID 2wk avg case/day increase
Japan: 4062%
Kazakhstan: 2134%
Costa Rica: 1601%
Nepal: 1355%
Philippines: 1332%
Iraq: 1070%
India: 985%
Peru: 834%
Brazil: 794%
Cuba: 755%— Joshua Lukens (@jmlukens) January 19, 2022
Patients with the omicron variant of covid-19 shed virus for longer after symptoms emerge, show data from Japan, potentially jeopardising hopes that the period of isolation for people testing positive could be shortened
— The BMJ (@bmj_latest) January 15, 2022
Patients with the omicron variant of covid-19 shed virus for longer after symptoms emerge, show data from Japan, potentially jeopardising hopes that the period of isolation for people testing positive could be shortened
— The BMJ (@bmj_latest) January 13, 2022
UKHSA report shows 31% of people likely to remain infectious after 5 days (pre-omicron). Data from Japan actually shows peak infectivity between 3-6 days for omicron. Ending isolation early is very risky – esp for those working in hospitals & care homes.
— Deepti Gurdasani (@dgurdasani1) January 12, 2022
This study from Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases specifically on #Omicron suggests that ending isolation after 5 days may not be enough, perhaps after a (-) rapid test or keeping N-95 for 5 extra days…
— Toni Choueiri, MD (@DrChoueiri) January 16, 2022
🇯🇵 Patients with the #Omicron #variant shed #virus for longer after symptoms emerge, show data from #Japan. Data from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases suggest that the amount of viral #RNA is HIGHEST 3-6 days after diagnosis or symptom onset.
— Dr Melvin Sanicas (@Vaccinologist) January 18, 2022
The Government of #Japan has announced that, as of Jan 15, the #quarantine period for all travelers arriving in #Japan from countries/regions (including the #UnitedStates) where the #Omicron variant becomes dominant, has been reduced to 10 days. Info:
— U.S. Embassy Tokyo, ACS (@ACSTokyo) January 18, 2022
Cases of the Omicron variant are rapidly increasing across Japan. Continue to avoid the "Three Cs": closed spaces, crowded places and close-contact settings. Wear masks, wash and sanitise your hands, and maintain social distancing to help protect yourself and those around you.
— オーストラリア大使館 Australia in Japan (@AustraliaInJPN) January 17, 2022
As the Omicron variant fuels a surge in COVID-19 cases in Japan, the people responsible for tracking the outbreak are struggling to keep up.
— NHK WORLD News (@NHKWORLD_News) January 19, 2022
Japan to halt vaccine-and-test scheme amid Omicron variant spread
— The Mainichi (Japan Daily News) (@themainichi) January 18, 2022
Editorial: The sixth wave of novel coronavirus infections presents new challenges to Japan, which should tailor its response accordingly.#Japan #omicron #pre_emergency #priority_measure #booster_shots #prefectures #Okinawa #Tokyo #restrictions
— The Japan News (@The_Japan_News) January 20, 2022
The omicron variant of the novel coronavirus is spreading rapidly among Japan's children. While most tend to have few or no symptoms, authorities fear children will pass the virus to vulnerable elderly members of their families.
— The Japan News (@The_Japan_News) January 19, 2022
Requests for quasi-emergency declarations in #Japan could come from more prefectures, a government source said. #COVID19
— Nikkei Asia (@NikkeiAsia) January 18, 2022
Japan is considering allowing in just a few hundred international students as the country continues its entry ban on foreigners amid a surge of omicron infections.
— Nikkei Asia (@NikkeiAsia) January 13, 2022
2 recent deaths in Japan possibly linked to omicron variant
— The Mainichi (Japan Daily News) (@themainichi) January 15, 2022
JUST IN: Japan to cut 14-day isolation for Omicron close contacts to 10 days
— Kyodo News | Japan (@kyodo_english) January 14, 2022
Omicron was slow to arrive in Asia but cases are now surging in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Philippines and Japan. Let's help protect LMICs like Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam by sharing vaccines generously.
— Michael Toole (@profmiketoole) January 19, 2022
Time to get ahead of the Omicron outbreak.
Japan poised to widen COVID-19 controls as Omicron drives record infections
— Yaneer Bar-Yam (@yaneerbaryam) January 19, 2022
Japan Imposes Fresh Covid Restrictions Across Country Amid Omicron Surge
— NDTV News feed (@ndtvfeed) January 19, 2022
Japan is set to approve new coronavirus restrictions on a large part of the country, including Tokyo, on Wednesday as it battles record infections fuelled by the Omicron variant.
— Manila Bulletin News (@manilabulletin) January 19, 2022
A research team of Kobe University has confirmed that a booster vaccine dose is effective in increasing neutralizing antibodies that inactivate the highly contagious omicron variant of the novel coronavirus.
— Arab News Japan (@ArabNewsjp) January 19, 2022
#Japan’s government is preparing social restrictions in #Tokyo and other regions as the #omicron variant of the #coronavirus infects more people.
— Arab News (@arabnews) January 18, 2022
Omicron surge pushes Japan’s daily infections to highest in over 4 months
— ANADOLU AGENCY (@anadoluagency) January 14, 2022
Japan says it will extend its near-total ban on foreigners entering the country until at least the end of February
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) January 11, 2022
cf. World Vol.224 (Tonga eruption)
Japan is also sending two C130s to Tonga "as early as today" to help with the relief effort
— Stephen Dziedzic (@stephendziedzic) January 20, 2022
Regarding the damage to the Kingdom of Tonga caused by the underwater volcanic eruption off the coast of Tonga in the South Pacific, #DefenseMinisterKishi issued an order to implement International Disaster Relief Operation after the consultation with FM Motegi.
— Japan Ministry of Defense/Self-Defense Forces (@ModJapan_en) January 20, 2022
1月20日、#岸防衛大臣 は、南太平洋トンガ沖の海底火山噴火による #トンガ王国 の被害に関し、外務大臣から国際緊急援助活動の実施について協議を受け、トンガへの国際緊急援助活動の実施を命じました。早ければ本日にも、C-130H輸送機2機が日本を出発し、飲用水の輸送を行う予定です。
— 防衛省・自衛隊 (@ModJapan_jp) January 20, 2022
— Mi2 (@mi2_yes) January 20, 2022
An underwater volcano erupted near the remote Pacific nation of Tonga. The massive eruption triggered large tsunami waves across the shores that ended up flooding coastlines from Japan to the United States. #Tonga #Volcano #Tsunami
— TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) January 19, 2022
An underwater volcano off Tonga erupted on Jan. 15, triggering tsunami warnings and evacuation orders in Japan and causing large waves in several South Pacific islands, where footage on social media showed waves crashing into coastal homes
— Reuters (@Reuters) January 19, 2022
A shockwave from the South Pacific: An underwater volcano off Tonga erupts, triggering tsunami warnings and evacuation orders in Japan and causing large waves in several South Pacific islands
— Reuters (@Reuters) January 19, 2022
The eruption produced a tsunami that was felt on the coasts of Japan and the U.S., triggered an oil spill in Peru, and set off a seven hour lightning storm that had 400,000 strikes. (From @NewsHour)
— PBS (@PBS) January 19, 2022
PH Embassy in Wellington received no reports of casualties or injuries from the Filipino community in Tonga and Samoa, DFA says.
This comes after an underwater volcano erupted violently on Saturday, causing tsunamis to hit Hawaii, Japan, and Tonga's largest island, Tongatapu.
— CNN Philippines (@cnnphilippines) January 19, 2022
BREAKING: A tsunami caused by a volcanic eruption in Tonga struck Japan’s coast in the early hour of Sunday just minutes after a warning was issued.
— The Japan Times (@japantimes) January 15, 2022
Underwater Pacific volcano sends tsunami waves to Tonga, with advisories extending to U.S. and Japan
— Post Graphics (@PostGraphics) January 15, 2022
The eruption on the uninhabited volcanic island of Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai was so powerful that its impact was felt in Fiji and New Zealand and coastlines were flooded from Japan to California
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) January 18, 2022
The undersea volcanic eruption near Tonga threatened Japan, Peru and the US Pacific coast with tsunami waves. Here’s what we know about undersea volcanoes
— TRT World (@trtworld) January 18, 2022
Tonga volcano has killed at least 2 people, says Japan
— ANADOLU AGENCY (@anadoluagency) January 18, 2022
WATCH: Boats were overturned and damaged in Japan, New Zealand and Peru after Tonga’s underwater volcano eruption triggered a tsunami
— Bloomberg Quicktake (@Quicktake) January 16, 2022
🌋Images from Japan's Himawari-8 satellite show the volcanic eruption that provoked a tsunami in #Tonga.
The eruption was so intense it was heard as "loud thunder sounds" in Fiji more than 800 kilometres away.
— NoComment (@nocomment) January 15, 2022
On Jan. 13, 2022, the Himawari-8 satellite captured an explosive eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano, located in the South Pacific Kingdom of Tonga. 🌋
Credit: @NOAA and operational partners at the Japan Meteorological Agency
— Science Channel (@ScienceChannel) January 15, 2022
Infrared (6.2 microns) wave propagates outward across the globe from the volcanic explosion yesterday #Tonga #HungaTongaHungaHaapai as seen with Japan's Himiwari-8 weather #satellite.
— AgriConsult (@AgriConsult) January 16, 2022
A tsunami warning has been issued for Japan's entire east coast, as well as the southern Amami island and the Takara island chain.
The tsunami follows a major eruption from an underwater volcano 65km south of the island nation of Tonga.
(RT) #Tsunami #Tonga— Info Warrior – 1821 (@InfoWarriorNews) January 15, 2022
An undersea volcano erupted in spectacular fashion Saturday near the Pacific nation of Tonga, sending tsunami waves crashing across the shore and people rushing to higher ground. (Photos/Japan Meteorology Agency/Planet Labs PBC) | via @AP
— The Philippine Star (@PhilippineStar) January 16, 2022
The moment the shockwave from Tonga's volcanic eruption passed over Japan. The pressure wave was recorded around the world
— BNO News (@BNONews) January 15, 2022
Most of the #US #WestCoast remains in a #Tsunami advisory in the wake of an underground #volcaniceruption near #Tonga.#California #Japan #Chile #TsunamiAdvisory #volcano
— DailyNews/BreakingNews (@DailyNe25683877) January 15, 2022
A Japanese professor says atmospheric vibrations triggered by the volcanic eruption in Tonga possibly caused the current series of tsunami.
— NHK WORLD News (@NHKWORLD_News) January 15, 2022
Japan's Meteorological Agency has been giving a briefing on tsunami that are reaching the country's Pacific coast following a volcanic eruption off the island nation of Tonga. Please click the video to watch the agency's media conference.
— NHK WORLD News (@NHKWORLD_News) January 15, 2022
#BreakingNews : Tsunami could hit Japan Pacific coast after Tonga eruption: agency
— Kyodo News | Japan (@kyodo_english) January 15, 2022
Our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by the massive eruption off the coast of Tonga.
Japan Rugby stands united with Tonga Rugby and the people of Tonga during this difficult time.ʻOku mau lotua e kakai ʻo Tongá.
— Japan Rugby (@JRFURugby) January 16, 2022
NZ's first drive-through sushi outlet promises fresh orders in under a minute
— Newshub (@NewshubNZ) January 5, 2022
Watch an orbital badminton match on the International Space Station: ESA astronaut Matthias Maurer challenged his crewmates and Japanese spaceflight participants Yusaku Maezawa and Yozo Hirano to a friendly match during their stay on the ISS.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) January 2, 2022
The postwar danchi style of homes lured Japanese salarymen and their families out of the city with suburban comforts and privacy (from April 2021)
— Bloomberg (@business) January 2, 2022
A cyberattack on Mitsubishi Electric in January last year included data files that may impact Japan’s national security, the defense ministry said
— Bloomberg (@business) December 25, 2021
McDonald’s Japan will only offer French fries in small sizes after flooding at a Vancouver port and the coronavirus pandemic cut off supplies of one of its key offerings
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) December 24, 2021
Japan’s cabinet approved a record initial budget for the year starting in April that offers up some measures aimed at promoting Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s new vision of capitalism
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) December 24, 2021
Japanese consumer prices rose at a faster pace in November as higher energy costs offset lower mobile phone fees
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) December 24, 2021
New Japanese Premier Fumio Kishida hasn’t made it completely clear what his new form of capitalism means, but it may run counter to plans to improve the country’s presence as an international financial hub
— Bloomberg (@business) December 23, 2021
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's government on Friday approved record defence spending, with a 10th straight annual increase in 2022, against a backdrop of #China's rapid military expansion and #NorthKorea's nuclear and missile programmes.
— The Hindu (@the_hindu) December 24, 2021
Japan won’t send government representatives to the Beijing Winter Olympics, effectively throwing its support behind the U.S.-led diplomatic boycott of the games
— Bloomberg Politics (@bpolitics) December 24, 2021
Fresh off its own Covid Olympics, Japan said it's joining the U.S. and other allies in not sending cabinet-level officials to the Winter Olympics in Beijing, sending two Olympic officials instead—though maybe don't call it a diplomatic boycott.@LandersWSJ
— Jonathan Cheng (@JChengWSJ) December 24, 2021
#Japan won’t send government delegation to @Beijing2022
— Star-Advertiser (@StarAdvertiser) December 25, 2021
#Japan Cabinet OKs record defense budget amid Taiwan concerns
— Star-Advertiser (@StarAdvertiser) December 24, 2021
Handwritten manuscripts, letters by literary giants discovered in #Japan
— Star-Advertiser (@StarAdvertiser) December 24, 2021
'Do not discriminate': Japan's surprising approach to unvaxxed— nzherald (@nzherald) December 22, 2021
The island of Kyushu has long been crucial to Japan's once-mighty #semiconductor industry.
Can a big investment by #TSMC #and Sony make it a key link in the EV supply chain?
— Nikkei Asia (@NikkeiAsia) December 15, 2021
Japan stocks set to rise as investors assess omicron risks
— CNBC (@CNBC) December 20, 2021
How do you stay young? Learn more: #Japan
— World Economic Forum (@wef) December 11, 2021
This Japanese start-up has designed a wind turbine that can work in typhoons #Japan #RenewableEnergy
— World Economic Forum (@wef) December 5, 2021
In Japan, your waiter could be many miles away from your table.
Learn more about disability inclusion:
— World Economic Forum (@wef) December 3, 2021
Is 'blue #hydrogen' the answer? Tomas Kåberger spoke with #BBC #Tokyo correspondent Rupert Wingfield-Hayes about challenges facing the Japanese energy industry – a balancing act between financial and #climate considerations @wingcommander1 @BBCWorld
— Chalmers University of Technology (@chalmersuniv) December 7, 2021
Experiments of the four-day work week in countries such as Iceland, Sweden, Japan and Spain have yielded mixed results.
— DW News (@dwnews) September 7, 2021