All the below links are in English.
標記につき取り急ぎ貼っておきます。なお、 の各ポストは、日付が若干新しくありませんが、内容は最近、大幅に拡充等したものです。
Australia Vol.8 (New South Wales) ニューサウスウェールズ州
Australia Vol.13 (Victoria) ビクトリア州
Australia Vol.12 (Queensland) クイーンズランド州
Australia Vol.10 (South Australia) サウスオーストラリア州
Australia Vol.9 (Western Australia) ウェスタンオーストラリア州
Australia Vol.11 (Tasmania) タスマニア州
Australia Vol.6 (Northern Territory) ノーザンテリトリー(北部特別地域)
Australia Vol.2 (Australian Capital Territory) オーストラリア首都特別地域
Australia Vol.5 (Economy) 経済
Australia Vol.1 (Politics) 政治
Australia Vol.15 / Trans-Pacific Partnership #TPP Vol.2 TPP
Australia Vol.16 / Meat Vol.2 肉
Australia Vol.7 (Climate change) 気候変動
Australia Vol.14 / Antarctic Vol.2 南極
各州名及びJapanなどを入れて検索して出てきたツイートです。政府に関連するという立場でない弊社としては、現時点で日本の命運を左右する話題ではなく経済動向と不可分である国際情勢等の空気も見えるもの を敢えて外さないことがあってもむしろ良いのではないかと考え、今回は一部その類のものを含めています。
The below tweets are found if you enter such words as states’ names and Japan, etc. As far as our LLC, which is not related to the Government of Japan, has considered, this time it would be rather better to dare not to take off the information which does not affect the fate of Japan as of May 15, and which shows the atmosphere of international affairs inseparably linked to economy.
Japan’s Nihon University (日本大学) has chosen Newcastle in New South Wales as its first Australian campus
— ANZCCJ (@ANZCCJ) March 24, 2017
A special evening in Sydney representing Lord Mayor @Nuatali_Nelmes & @CityNewcastle with the Japan Consul General Mr Takewaka & Mrs Takewaka celebrating the accession of the new Emperor of Japan, Narihito, & the commencement of the Reiwa era.
— Carol Duncan (@carolduncan) May 6, 2019
Celebrating, with Consul-General Matsunaga and Mrs Yoko Matsunaga, the beginning of the new Reiwa Era and the ascension to the throne of His Majesty Emperor Naruhito with Her Majesty Masako @japan_in_mel @DFATVic
— Governor of Victoria (@VicGovernor) May 6, 2019
Following great Japan-related events in Adelaide and Hobart, Japan Festival organised by Japan Club of Victoria will be held in Box Hill on 19 May!
Visitors will have the chance to see cultural performances, take part in contests, and enjoy Japanese food.— 在メルボルン日本国総領事館 (@japan_in_mel) May 13, 2019
As Minister for Trade I am happy to host tonight’s official reception honouring the long friendship between Queensland and Japan.
— Annastacia Palaszczuk (@AnnastaciaMP) September 18, 2018
Today I visited Japan's bid for our Future Subs.
This is a crucial project for Australia and South Australia.— Steven Marshall, MP (@marshall_steven) November 24, 2015
There are more than 70 Japanese companies active in South Australia. JERA, a joint venture company of Japan-based Tokyo Electric Power Company @TEPCO_English, has launched a new solar power project in South Australia. #solarpower #investment
— Trade, Tourism and Investment – South Australia (@TTISouthAust) March 13, 2019
"Western Australia, the heartland of Japan-Australia relations" Ambassador Sumio Kusaka at AJBCC event in Perth
— L. Gordon Flake (@lgflake) June 8, 2017
The newly unveiled era name for #Japan is a surprise but familiar for some in the real estate profession in Western Australia.
— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) April 1, 2019
Tonight on @abcnews, Kumiko Maruyama visits #Tasmania for the first time to see her pen pal of 52 years, Jillian Hall. The pair have been exchanging letters between Tasmania and Japan since they were 11 years old.
— Emily Street (@EmilyHStreet) March 17, 2018
Great read by Jane Albert on a dance piece with a difference: legendary choreographer Graeme Murphy is taking a group of dancers from non-professionals from Tasmania, all aged between 52 and 73, on tour to Japan.
— Ashleigh Wilson (@ashleighbwilson) September 26, 2018
Japan's PM to visit Australia's Darwin for the first time since WWII Japan bombed it worse than Pearl Harbor
— Business Insider (@businessinsider) November 13, 2018
Australia: The Northern Territory has almost 10 times more agreements with China than it does with the US and Japan combined, excluding those related to defence and the Ichthys liquefied natural gas project
— Geoff Wade (@geoff_p_wade) December 10, 2018
Japan’s largest foreign investment project in Australia, Inpex’s Ichthys LNG plant, was officially opened in Darwin last week. Northern Australian Minister Matt Canavan expressed a hope for further investment from Japan into Australia.
— ANZCCJ (@ANZCCJ) November 21, 2018
Take Action for #Whales with us outside the Japanese Embassy in #Canberra next Tuesday 11 Sept. As the International Whaling Commission meets in Brazil, we will protest against Japan's push to resume commercial whaling.
— Bob Brown Foundation (@BobBrownFndn) September 6, 2018
For the first time ever we have tracked the Latham’s Snipe’s journey from Canberra to Japan and back, and the results are not what we expected!: #wildoz
— Jerra Wetlands (@JerraWetlands) December 6, 2018
In time of uncertainty, Canberra is betting on deeper ties with Japan, according to @JulieBishopMP. | @philipwen11
— The Sydney Morning Herald (@smh) February 16, 2016
Australia and Japan strengthening public-private partnerships to explore pathways to cyber security at the ACSC in Canberra. @JapanGov @AustCyber @ASPI_org @Austrade @NEC_corp @Fujitsu_Global @konicaminolta
— Australian Cyber Security Centre (@CyberGovAU) November 14, 2018
‘He’s Coming South: It’s Fight, Work or Perish.” Australian poster from 1942 reflecting the contemporary invasion scare amid rapid Japanese advances across Asia and the Pacific. The Queensland government banned it for being too alarmist #Japan #Australia #WW2
— China in WW2 (@chinaww2) January 6, 2019