Australia オーストラリア Vol.7(2019 federal election results, etc. 総選挙結果など)

All the below links but the below tweets are in English.

Australia Vol.17 (2019 federal election)

cf. Australia オーストラリア Vol.6(states, economy, politics, etc. 各州, 経済, 政治 など)
Trans-Pacific Partnership #TPP Vol.3 (Miscellaneous)
Antarctic Vol.1
など etc.

Alliances Adrift: Is this the end of America’s Asian alliances? (14/05/2019) | Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, ANU College of Asia & the Pacific 以下、一部抜粋。
… In the face of structural change towards a more multipolar Asian security order, however, coupled with unprecedented uncertainties regarding US credibility and resolve in this part of the world, most of the United States’ Asian alliances are arguably looking increasingly brittle.
Leading experts from Australia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand contributed their views on the nature and trajectory of alliances at a one-day workshop “Alliances Adrift: Is this the end of America’s Asian alliances?”
The workshop held on 23 April 2019 in Singapore …
… ANU participants included Professor Brendan Taylor, Emeritus Professor William Tow and Dr Lauren Richardson. …
Taylor and Tow subsequently visited Manila on 26th April to attend a roundtable discussion on the “Dilemmas of the Indo-Pacific”. They interacted with Philippines officials and scholars at the Asia-Pacific Pathways-sponsored event where they examined the US’ Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) strategy. …
Emeritus Professor William Tow provided a synoptic review of the Trump administration’s policy in the Indo-Pacific … also tackled catalysts for the FOIP, such as the possibility of an emerging China-containment doctrine by the US, domestic pressures on the Trump administration to have a different foreign policy from Obama, and the complementarity of ideology and geography to operationalise the “America First” rhetoric.
Professor Brendan Taylor discussed Australia’s stakes in the Indo-Pacific, such as its fears of exclusion from the region and economic decline … underscored the conceptual ambiguity and the divergent interests within the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (between Japan, US, Australia, and India) that may derail future development.
… During the open discussion, participants raised issues such as the feasibility and appropriateness of having a China-containment goal for the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue between Japan, the US, Australia, and India …
Taylor and Tow will bring the discussions and papers from these workshops together by co-editing a special issue in an internationally respected journal planned to appear in early 2020. They will also visit Northeast Asia and the United States later this year to follow up the Singapore session …

自由貿易の原則の下での各種の国益最重視 を堅持すれば長期的に国全体としてうまく行く、

投稿者: ワールド ソルーションズ
