Australia オーストラリア Vol.6(states, economy, politics, etc. 各州, 経済, 政治 など)

All the below links are in English.

標記につき取り急ぎ貼っておきます。なお、 の各ポストは、日付が若干新しくありませんが、内容は最近、大幅に拡充等したものです。


Australia Vol.8 (New South Wales) ニューサウスウェールズ州
Australia Vol.13 (Victoria) ビクトリア州
Australia Vol.12 (Queensland) クイーンズランド州
Australia Vol.10 (South Australia) サウスオーストラリア州
Australia Vol.9 (Western Australia) ウェスタンオーストラリア州
Australia Vol.11 (Tasmania) タスマニア州
Australia Vol.6 (Northern Territory) ノーザンテリトリー(北部特別地域)
Australia Vol.2 (Australian Capital Territory) オーストラリア首都特別地域

Australia Vol.5 (Economy) 経済
Australia Vol.1 (Politics) 政治
Australia Vol.15 / Trans-Pacific Partnership #TPP Vol.2 TPP
Australia Vol.16 / Meat Vol.2 
Australia Vol.7 (Climate change) 気候変動
Australia Vol.14 / Antarctic Vol.2 南極

各州名及びJapanなどを入れて検索して出てきたツイートです。政府に関連するという立場でない弊社としては、現時点で日本の命運を左右する話題ではなく経済動向と不可分である国際情勢等の空気も見えるもの を敢えて外さないことがあってもむしろ良いのではないかと考え、今回は一部その類のものを含めています。
The below tweets are found if you enter such words as states’ names and Japan, etc. As far as our LLC, which is not related to the Government of Japan, has considered, this time it would be rather better to dare not to take off the information which does not affect the fate of Japan as of May 15, and which shows the atmosphere of international affairs inseparably linked to economy.

U.K. イギリス Vol.25(England イングランド Vol.7 – East of England イーストオブイングランド地方)

All the below links are in English or Japanese.

Luton を含む Bedfordshire、
Thurrock 及び Southend-on-Sea を含むEssex、
Peterborough を含む Cambridgeshire、です。

Cambridgeshire including Peterborough
UK Vol.120 (England Vol.13 – East of England Vol.6) – Cambridgeshire including Peterborough –
UK Vol.119 (England Vol.12 – East of England Vol.5)
UK Vol.118 (England Vol.11 – East of England Vol.4) – University of Cambridge –
Cambridge’s Silicon Fen shaken by the winds of change (23/07/2016) | @TerryMac999 @guardian
Japan working with UK companies (21/10/2011) | Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce
It’s a new day for Sosei Heptares (19/10/2018) | Mike Scialom @CambridgeIndy
University of Cambridge Kendo Society | @Cambridge_Uni
£2,000 Japanese gin is ‘world’s most expensive’(19/11/2015) | Amy Hopkins @spiritsbusiness
Sushi wars are hotting up in Cambridge as another restaurant opens in the city (23/06/2018) | Raymond Brown @Cambslive
On the market: 1980s Japanese-style single-storey property in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire (11/25/2013) | @WowHauser
英国産「SAKE」で日本発信 欧州で初の酒蔵完成、富裕層中心に商機狙う (09/15/2018) | 産経新聞

Essex including Thurrock and Southend-on-Sea
UK Vol.117 (England Vol.10 – East of England Vol.3)
Japanese specialist plastics company opens first UK premises in Essex | @investessex
Olympus Keymed | @investessex
The Japan-British Exhibition of 1910 (03/06/2019) | ESSEX GARDENS TRUST
New links forged with Japan through Vice-Chancellor’s visit (02/03/2017) | @Uni_of_Essex
University of Essex | 国際教養大学
Japanese Roof Garden | @SOAS
エセックスサマースクール2017を早稲田大学で開講しました ‐スーパーグローバル大学創成支援「Waseda Ocean構想」 (11/07/2017) | 早稲田大学
エセックス大学 | 獨協大学

Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire including Luton
UK Vol.116 (England Vol.9 – East of England Vol.2)
Japanese food comes to Hertford with Oishii by Elle (03/08/2017) | @hertslife
Hertfordshire fire officer leads UK Japan rescue team (14/03/2011) | @BBC
Wasabi launches first UK airport outlet at Luton (21/09/2015) | Caterlyst
Japanese garden wins award (09/08/2011) | Bedford Today
Case Study: Nissan Technical Centre Europe, Cranfield Technology Park, Bedfordshire (PDF) | @BruelKjaerUK
Impact case study (REF3b) – Institution: University of Bedfordshire | #REF2014
Japan: The World’s First Post-Growth Economy? (01/02/2011) | Jeremy Williams @postgrowth
Was this Thatcher’s greatest legacy? (14/09/2009) | Giles Edwards @BBC

Norfolk and Suffolk
UK Vol.115 (England Vol.8 – East of England Vol.1)
Global Perspectives: East Anglian heritage is ‘big in Japan’ (09/12/2017) | Trevor Heaton @EDP24
Japanese distillers come to Norfolk for Maris Otter | @HBanhamLTD
British parts supplier to open largest Honda motorcycle museum outside Japan (01/28/2015) | Kurt Ernst @HemmingsNews

U.K. イギリス Vol.24(England イングランド Vol.6 – East Midlands イーストミッドランズ地方)

All the below links are in English or Japanese.


UK Vol.96 (England Vol.7 – East Midlands Vol.2) – Lincolnshire, Rutland, and Northamptonshire –

Lincolnshire リンカーンシャー州 サッチャー元首相の出身地
First events programmed for Lincoln Japan Festival revealed – and yes, the MOST popular from 2017 is back (16/01/2018) | Dawn Hinsley @LincsLive
£2bn Lincolnshire wind farm takes a step closer as Japanese take stake (08/13/2018) | Sam Metcalf @TBDEastMidlands

Rutland ラトランド州
Kyoto – A Taste of Japan | @info_cookery

Northamptonshire ノーサンプトンシャー州 靴製造で有名
Shoe firm Tricker’s opens Tokyo store (25/04/2019) | @BBC
About British Kendo Association | @Nsport

西3州 “スティルトン チーズ” の3州である、というのは確かです。
UK Vol.84 (England Vol.6 – East Midlands Vol.1) – Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, and Leicestershire –
Here you can check out sites related to “Stilton cheese” as well.

Derbyshire ダービーシャー州
なお、競馬用語 “ダービー” は、第12代目ダービー伯爵(サリー州出身)に由来する、とされています。
Toyota to build new Suzuki car at Burnaston factory (20/03/2019) | @bbcemt
Toyota City, Japan | @Derbyshirecc
Westminster visit promotes importance of twinning of Derbyshire and Toyota City (13/09/2018) | @DerbyUni
Derbyshire schools to receive Japanese Sakura cherry trees (21/02/2019) | @chesterfielduk
University of Derby research visit to Japan (20/09/2018) | @EMChamberNews
International Ambassadors experience Japanese summer (01/10/2018) | @BSDCofficial
Big in Japan: Derbyshire-designed headphones tae off in Tokyo (09/12/2014) | @sparky000
トヨタ 欧州向け新型カローラを英ダービーシャーにて生産開始 (01/15/2019) | @carviewcojp
日本ブランドを選ぶ英国人自動車購入者が3分の1増加し、日英の自動車貿易は引きつづき強固 (11/02/2017) | @SankeiBiz_jp
姉妹都市ダービーシャーのご紹介 (観光情報) | 豊田市
イギリス・ダービー大学と心理学部の共同研究が始まる (08/03/2018) | 中京大学

Nottinghamshire ノッティンガムシャー州
Japanese tourists visit first Bramley tree in Southwell (23/08/2012) | @BBC
Japanese Water Gardens
イギリス留学を通じて- Nottingham Trent 大学 (PDF) | @ 豊田工業大学
イギリスにおけるタウンセンターファースト政策を支える必要性の評価と影響評価 (PDF; 11/2013) | @ 公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会

Leicestershire レスターシャー州
British cheese now a ‘status symbol’ in the US and Japan (06/04/2018) | Katie Morley @Telegraph
Burleighs unveils pink gin inspired by Japan (12/08/2016) | Annie Hayes @SpiritsBusiness
Norton Motorcycles makes £20m Japan export deal (11/01/2019) | @LLEPnews
Japanese princess found secretly living in Leicester (20/09/2015) | David Trayner @Independent
Anime (LANMA) | @UoLActivities
レスター残留が決まった岡崎慎司…地元メディアに決意語る! (02/02/2019) | @footballtribejp
まだ終わりじゃない。岡崎慎司、 レスター退団を明言して燃やす向上心 (04/02/2019) | @webSportiva
【導入事例】レスターシャー州警察 | イプロス

U.K. イギリス Vol.23(England イングランド Vol.5 – West Midlands ウェストミッドランズ地方 Vol.2)

All the below links are in English or Japanese.


UK Vol.79 (England Vol.5 – West Midlands Vol.2)

Staffordshire スタッフォードシャー州
Fragments of a global puzzle (07/14/2017) | @nationaltrust
Staffordshire University in your country | @StaffsUni

Warwickshire ウォーリックシャー州
Binley Business Innovation Centre | @WarwickSP  cf.
HORIBA MIRA, Ltd. @MIRAEngineering に先進的排ガス試験設備を開設 (07/07/2017) | @HORIBA_jp
アストンマーティン、英国に新たな車両開発施設を開業 (01/26/2015) | @responsejp
協定校・機関 (PDF; 05/01/2018) | 立命館大学

West Midlands (county) including Birmingham city and metropolitan borough バーミンガムを含むウェストミッドランズ州
英国バーミンガムで始まった「エネルギーキャピタル計画」とは (23/03/2017) | @tradegovukJPN
JR東日本、英国で鉄道運行「1年間の通信簿」 日本が誇る「鉄道力」はどこまで浸透したのか (12/25/2018) | @Toyokeizai
デイヴィッド・キャメロン首相、ジャガー・ランドローバーの エンジン製造センターを視察 (02/21/2014) | Jaguar Land Rover Japan Media Centre
【イギリス】電気自動車普及の官民連携プロジェクト「Go Ultra Low」、賛同企業が100社を突破 (08/30/2017) | @SustainableJPN
アストンマーティン、日本との貿易取引および投資額として5億ポンドを策定 (08/30/2017) | ASTON MARTIN HIROSHIMA
アストン・サイエンス・パーク(1) (PDF) | 鈴木茂 @Matsudai_koho
イギリス独占形成期の機械工業(1) -ウェスト・ミッドランズ地方を中心として- | 山本尚一 @ 香川大学
国際交流協定校 | @ 東洋大学
Japan | @MyBCU
Cost of Living Comparison Between Birmingham and Tokyo

U.K. イギリス Vol.21(England イングランド Vol.3 ― Yorkshire and the Humber ヨークシャーアンドザハンバー地方)

All the below links other than those in Japanese are in English.


UK Vol.71 (England Vol.3 – Yorkshire and the Humber)

North Yorkshire
ヨークシャー・デールズ(Yorkshire Dales)| @VisitBritain
ヨーク大学Jane Grenville副学長来訪 | 東北大学国際交流課

East Riding of Yorkshire
Van Gogh and Japan at Spotlight Theatre | @VHEY_UK

West Yorkshire
Chiharu Shiota: Beyond Time | @YSPsculpture
国際蛋白研セミナー(英国・日本二国間交流事業) “Integrative Structural Biology for Protein Science”| 大阪大学蛋白質研究所

South Yorkshire
New future for endangered Japanese Bears | @YorkshireWP
シェフィールド大学、地球規模の課題に対処するため日本との関係を強化 | @cnet_japan

Ireland アイルランド Vol.7(州 counties)

Ireland GreenYellow

All the below links are in English.


Ireland Vol.43 (Leinster Vol.10 – City of Dublin Vol.3)

Ireland Vol.42 (Leinster Vol.9 – City of Dublin Vol.2)

Ireland Vol.41 (Leinster Vol.8 – City of Dublin Vol.1)

Ireland Vol.36 (Leinster Vol.7 – Fingal)

Ireland Vol.35 (Leinster Vol.6 – South Dublin)

Ireland Vol.34 (Leinster Vol.5 – Dún Laoghaire – Rathdown)

Ireland Vol.33 (Leinster Vol.4 – Wicklow, Kildare)

Ireland Vol.32 (Leinster Vol.3 – Meath, Louth)

Ireland Vol.31 (Leinster Vol.2 – Laois, Offaly, Westmeath, Longford)

Ireland Vol.30 (Leinster Vol.1 – Kilkenny, Carlow, Wexford)

Ireland Vol.22 (Munster Vol.3 – Tipperary, Waterford)

Ireland Vol.21 (Munster Vol.2 – Kerry, Cork)

Ireland Vol.20 (Munster Vol.1 – Clare, Limerick; #StPatricksDay)

Ireland Vol.19 (Connacht Vol.2 – Mayo, Galway)

Ireland Vol.18 (Connacht Vol.1 – Leitrim, Sligo, Roscommon)

Ireland Vol.17 (Ulster – Donegal, Cavan, Monaghan)

Pinned tweets, etc. 固定ツイート等

アイルランドの政治・行政・企業・地方・大学: 英文脚注15000以上―アイルランド・米国・英国・欧州・日本企業情報を含む Kindle版 中港拓 (著)

#FoodexJapan2019 non-Japanese companies #フーデックスジャパン2019 外国企業(於:幕張メッセ Makuhari Messe)
U.K. イギリス Vol.18(北アイルランド Northern Ireland)
U.K. イギリス Vol.19(スコットランド Scotland)
U.K. イギリス Vol.20(ウェールズ Wales)

U.K. イギリス Vol.16(Brexit Vol.13:報道等において正面から触れられていないブレグジット三点 3 points concerning Brexit which have not been confronted in the media etc.)
U.K. Vol.17(Brexit Vol.14: 3 points concerning Brexit which have not been confronted in the media etc. – especially outside the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland)

EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement 日EU経済連携協定(EUJEPA)Vol.2

TPP Vol.4
TPP Vol.5
TPP Vol.6


Honestly, we have understood that it is difficult to understand how to use social network services, if we don’t keep using some specific ones, regardless of being complicated or simple. The strengths of Twitter, which we have kept using as our single tool, would be:
1. in general, we can set it freely and easily, and so forth as well, it is good at spreading stories on the Internet;
2. therefore it is suitable to discussions, content marketing, curation, etc. on difficult topics or contents.
It seems that there will not be such strong services other than Twitter.
Today, when there is too much information, in a sense, it is impossible to accurately understand news without curation.
In this sense, it would be impossible to talk about current era without presense of Twitter, which is suitable to curation, etc.
We can say that the quality of contents is far more important than the numbers of followers, retweets, likes, etc.

1.(無料で使用しているので思うような表示にはなっておりませんが)一応、 という(概ね日本語 Mostly in Japanese の)デジタルサイネージ digital signage があります。アイルランド関連・電子書籍関連に可能な限り絞って貼って行こうと考えています。
2. (in English)
On April 16, 2019, we stopped publishing the eBook-related Facebook page. Thank you so much for having visited that page, etc. We would be very pleased if you continue visiting this website, Twitter accounts, the Teacup digital signage, etc.

EUJEPA Vol.4 / TPP Vol.7 (チーズ、牛肉、シーフード、ワイン Cheese, Beef, Seafood, Wine)




cf. Cheese, etc., Top 10 Importers
EUJEPA-TPP cheese top-10-importers

France フランス Vol.1

Most of the below links (incl tweets) are in English.


France Vol.3 (Finance)
France Vol.4 (Finance)
France Vol.5 (Brands)
France Vol.6 (Food)
France Vol.7 (Pharma/Health/Biotech/Food)
France Vol.8 (Energy/Utilities, Airplane/Train)
France Vol.9 (Digital/Telecommunications/Media)
France Vol.10 (Automobile)
France Vol.11 (United States)
France Vol.12 (U.S., Canada, U.K.)
France Vol.13 (Government, diplomacy, Ireland, technology, etc.)
France Vol.2 (2017 French Presidential Elections)
France Vol.1 (France regions, history, technology, et al.)

TPP Vol.6

All the below links and excerpts (incl 5 pictures) are in English.

Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership – National Interest Analysis @ NZ MFAT (PDF; 03/2018) You can check out the below pictures (Tables, etc.) as well.
p4 Table 1.1: Exports from New Zealand to new FTA partners
pp5-6 Table 1.2: Estimated impact of CPTPP
p8 KEY FACTS, etc.
p16 Japan is New Zealand’s fifth largest export market and it is a high value one for exporters. In the year to June 2017 two-way trade stood at NZ$7.9 billion. New Zealand exports to Japan were NZ$4.0 billion, accounting for 5.5 percent of our total exports. The trading relationship is highly complementary with New Zealand supplying food and industrial materials, such as wood and aluminium, and Japan exporting finished industrial goods and machinery to New Zealand. The CPTPP will help New Zealand agriculture exporters in particular overcome high MFN tariff rates into Japan. Japan is also New Zealand’s fifth largest source of foreign direct investment, with significant investments in the forestry sector. Services exports are another big part of our trading relationship, with Japan a top-five source of students and tourists.
p19 … There are already competitors that enjoy lower barriers to trade relative to New Zealand businesses in key CPTPP markets (e.g. Australia in Japan) and more will follow as other free trade agreements are realised (e.g. the EU-Japan FTA). …
p22 Table 4.1: Estimated Tariff Savings per annum by Country
p23 Table 4.2: Estimated Tariff Savings per annum by Sector
• At entry into force (Year 1): tariffs eliminated on NZ$1.4 billion of New Zealand exports currently subject to tariffs, including many horticultural and forestry goods, a number of dairy products, some wine, many manufactured products, and much fish and seafood. Specific product examples include such items as: Japan (kiwifruit, squash); Canada (wine); Mexico (mussels, kiwifruit, milk albumin); and Peru (buttermilk powder). As a result, 79.8 percent of New Zealand exports to these new FTA markets would enter duty free on the day the CPTPP enters into force, with estimated tariff savings for New Zealand exporters of NZ$95.1 million.
• By the 5th year after entry into force (Year 6): tariffs eliminated on an additional NZ$111.2 million of New Zealand exports currently subject to tariffs, including: … Japan (hoki and other frozen fish, carrot juice, sausages and mandarins) … 2.4 percent of total current New Zealand exports to … 82.2 percent … Estimated total tariff savings in the fifth year after entry into force are NZ$148.1 million.
• By the 10th year after entry into force (Year 11): tariffs eliminated on an additional NZ$175.0 million … Japan (tongues, hides, bluefin tuna and apples) … 3.7 percent … 85.9 percent … NZ$186.9 million.
• By the 15th year after entry into force (Year 16): tariffs eliminated on an additional NZ$220.8 million … Japan (cheese, sawn wood and offal) … 4.7 percent … 90.6 percent … NZ$220.6 million.
• When fully phased in: tariffs eliminated on an additional NZ$71.9 million of New Zealand exports currently subject to tariffs. The total tariff savings from the CPTPP are estimated to be NZ$222.4 million per year at full implementation, not taking account of dynamic impacts.
• Tariff reductions: Tariffs on an additional NZ$207.1 million of goods exports would be significantly reduced, but not eliminated, allowing for improved market access. This includes beef exporters that would benefit from a 77 percent reduction in Japan’s tariff for beef. This tariff would be reduced from the current 38.5 percent duty to 9 percent over sixteen years, with an initial sharp cut at entry into force, to 27.5 percent. There will be a transitional volume-based safeguard applying to all CPTPP beef imports into Japan, set above current trade levels, with a growth rate. The safeguard will be abolished by Year 20 at the earliest. The new CPTPP safeguard would remove the potential for Japan’s WTO beef safeguard to be applied to New Zealand’s exports. That safeguard was exceeded in 2017 meaning that a higher ‘snap-back’ tariff of 50 percent is being applied to New Zealand exports through to 31 March 2018 placing New Zealand beef exporters at a significant disadvantage to other countries (e.g. Australia) that have an FTA with Japan. This outcome is the best outcome that Japan has agreed in a FTA to date, and would help re-establish a level playing field with Japan’s largest beef supplier, Australia, after the Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement entered into force in early 2015.
Japan will also reduce the tariff for ice-cream by two-thirds, from 21 percent today to 7 percent over six years, opening up new export opportunities given the significantly reduced tariff.
p26 Table 4.3: Estimated Total Volume of CPTPP Quota Access available to New Zealand Exporters
By Year 10 of the CPTPP Agreement entering into force:
• Japan will provide 40,200 MT of predominately CPTPP-wide access, with 14,000 MT on priority products for New Zealand including butter and powders. Japan is also eliminating tariffs for most cheese over sixteen years.
p27 … For country-specific access into Japan, tariffs on WTO trade are eliminated over 21 years after entry into force, with an 80 percent reduction in the first 11 years. …
… Given the scale of some of the tariff benefits from CPTPP that would, in this scenario, accrue to New Zealand’s competitors inside CPTPP, but not New Zealand – e.g. Japan’s reduced beef tariffs, or tariff elimination on Japanese cheese tariffs – New Zealand exporters would likely lose significant market share to other CPTPP exporters if New Zealand were not part of CPTPP.
p53 … The CPTPP also builds on the opportunities New Zealand businesses secured under the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA), with some modest improvements to access in Canada, Japan and Singapore (e.g. additional entities and coverage of private-public-partnerships). …
pp86-87 Export restrictions – food security
In Article 2.26, Parties acknowledge that countries may temporarily apply an export prohibition or restriction on foodstuffs where there is risk of a critical shortage as set out in Article XI of the GATT 1994 and Article 2.1 of the Agreement on Agriculture. Further to this, the Parties agree that if a CPTPP country is a net exporter of a foodstuff and imposes an export prohibition or restriction on the foodstuff from another CPTPP country in these circumstances, it must notify all of the other Parties before the measure comes into force. Notification must include the reason that the measure was imposed or maintained, how the measure is consistent with the GATT and any alternative measures the Party considered imposing. Any Party that has a substantial interest as an importer of that foodstuff may request consultations with, or data relating to the critical food shortage from, the Party imposing or maintaining the measure.
Any measure that is notified under this procedure should ordinarily be removed within four to six months. If a Party is considering extending the measure for longer than this, further notification must be provided to the other CPTPP countries. Measures may only be continued for longer than twelve months if all other Parties that are net importers of the relevant foodstuff have been consulted. A measure must be discontinued immediately if the critical shortage, or threat of critical shortage, no longer exists.
These measures may not be applied to food purchased for non-commercial humanitarian measures.
p95 Global safeguards
pp105-107 Wine and Distilled Spirits Annex
pp204-205 Table 7.1: Summary of impacts
p207 New Zealand exporters have direct experience of this kind of competitive displacement caused by being on the outside of preferential access enjoyed by competitors. For example:
• Since the entry into force of the Australia-Japan FTA, New Zealand beef exports to Japan have dropped by over 25 percent, with New Zealand exporters losing market share to their Australian competitors who are only beginning to enjoy tariff preferences under the FTA.
• Following the entry into force of the Korea-US FTA, US beef exports increased 25 percent. New Zealand exports declined by almost NZ$50 million. The US’ share of the Korean cheese import market has also grown from 41 percent to 74 percent.
• Until the entry in force of the New Zealand-Korea FTA, kiwifruit exporters paid a 45 percent tariff on kiwifruit. Their Chilean competitors enjoy duty-free access.
• Prior to the NAFTA agreement being signed by Canada, Mexico and the US in the 1990s, New Zealand was a significant supplier of dairy products to Mexico. Since Mexico eliminated tariffs for US dairy products, New Zealand’s share of Mexico’s cheese imports declined from 20 percent to 4 percent, and our share of milk powder imports from 25 percent to less than 10 percent.
ImpactEcon et al modelled the economic impact of the CPTPP by first estimating how New Zealand’s economy would be expected to develop as part of the global economy in the absence of CPTPP, and comparing this to the case where CPTPP liberalised trade in goods and services in four areas. The result of the CGE model takes account of the complicated adjustments that might take place in an economy following new trade flows and resource allocation. The four ways in which CPTPP was assumed to liberalise trade were:
• Reductions in tariffs and quota barriers on goods trade.
• Reductions in non-tariff measures on goods trade.
• Improved trade facilitation measures.
• Reductions in barriers on services trade.
pp221-225 8 The costs to New Zealand of compliance with the treaty
pp239-243 Overview of the suspensions

Latin American Perspectives on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) (PDF; 09/02/2016) | NEW ZEALAND CENTRE FOR LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES, School of Cultures, Languages and Linguistics, University of Auckland
“Is the TPP a mega-NAFTA that will devastate Mexico?” Daniel Villafuerte Solis, The Centre for Advanced Studies in Mexico and Central America (CESMECA)
The agro-food sector, the most hard-hit by NAFTA, could suffer a new beating under the TPP. To put this into context, let us remember some figures from the Bank of Mexico: in 2014, the Mexico had a trade deficit for agro-food and agro-industrial products of US $2.593 billion, an amount equivalent to 40% percent of the budget assigned that year to the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA).
The figures for imports by sector are frightening: between 2010 and 2014, imports of milk, diary, eggs and honey grew by 57.% totalling more than 2 billion dollars in 2014; meat and edible meat offal imports grew by 42.5% to $4.596 billion; cereals grew by 31.6% reaching $4.259 billion; and imports of legumes grew by 15.3%. Together, imports in these four sectors grew from $10.751 billion to $14.342 billion, an increase of 33.4%.
“What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership all about?” Alejandro Villamar, Mexican Action Network on Free Trade (RMALC)
To give just some examples of recent analyses of the potential impacts on food sovereignty, agriculture and health, the TPP would result in illegal contamination of foodstuffs by genetically modified organisms, and a new report questions the rules of food security and animal health in the TPP (
“The TPP: Bad news for farmers and agriculture” Karen Hansen-Kuhn, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
The bad news is that the TPP expands many of the worst features of NAFTA. Mexican farmers were devastated by the dramatic increase in corn exports from the U.S. under NAFTA. This didn’t help most U.S. farmers, who were pushed to expand exports to compensate for low prices and declining public support. It led to increasing corporate concentration in agricultural production, leaving farmers with fewer options of where to buy and sell their goods, and a decline in the number of family farmers in all three NAFTA countries. This unfair market will be deepened under TPP. …

No More Business-as-Usual: Where to Now for International Trade? (PDF; 07/2017) | David Hall @ Auckland University of Technology
Departmental Disclosure Statement – Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP) Amendment Bill (PDF; 21/06/2018)
Economic Gains and Costs from the TPP – Review of Modelled Economic Impacts of the Trans Pacific Partnership (PDF; 2014) | Sustainablity Council of New Zealand
Submission of the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee (Parliament of New Zealand) regarding International treaty examination of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (PDF; 04/2018)
Personal values and support (or not) for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (PDF; 03/2018) | Jono Bannan, Simon Kemp and Zhe Chen @ University of Canterbury
The Benefits of Trade (PDF) | NZIER
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) (PDF; 09/2011) | NEW ZEALAND COLLEGE OF PUBLIC HEALTH MEDICINE

New Geopolitical Developments in the South Pacific: The Cases of Australia and New Zealand (PDF; 02/2018) | Dr. Anne-Marie Schleich @ ISPSW
TPP-11: Achieving Growth in a Time of Trade Uncertainty (27/08/2018) | Dr Luke Hurst @ Australian Institute of International Affairs
The TPP Investment Chapter & Investor State Arbitration in Asia & Oceania (PDF) | Dr Luke Nottage @ Sydney Law School
Can the Trans-Pacific Partnership multilateralise the ‘noodle bowl’of Asia-Pacific trade agreements? (PDF; 03/2016) | Jeffrey D. Wilson @ Perth USAsia Centre
The TPP: Truths about Power Politics (PDF; 08/2017) | Malcolm Cook @ ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute

Trading Down: Unemployment, Inequality and Other Risks of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (PDF; 01/2016) | Jeronim Capaldo and Alex Izurieta with Jomo Kwame Sundaram @ GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE, Tufts University
Trade Implications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership for ASEAN and Other Asian Countries (PDF; 08/2013) | Alan V. Deardorff @ The University of Michigan
TPP Countries Sign New CPTPP Agreement without U.S. Participation (PDF; 03/09/2018) | Ian F. Fergusson & Brock R. Williams @ CRS Insight
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations and Issues for Congress (PDF; 08/21/2013) | Ian F. Fergusson, William H. Cooper, Remy Jurenas, Brock R. Williams @ Congressional Research Service (@ Cornell ILR)
Negotiations for a Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (PDF) | William Krist (Edited with an Introduction by Kent Hughes) @ Wilson Center
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: New Paradigm or Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing? (PDF; 01/01/2011) | Meredith Kolsky Lewis @ Boston College International & Comparative Law Review

TPP-11 Agree on List of Suspended Provisions (PDF; 11/13/2017) | Charles Akande @ Geneva Watch
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal (TPP): What Are the Economic Consequences for In- and Outsiders? (PDF; 12/2015) | Rahel Aichele and Gabriel Felbermayr @ CESifo Forum

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New Zealand Vol.15 / Trans-Pacific Partnership #TPP Vol.1