U.K. イギリス Vol.13(England イングランド Vol.1 ― North East ノースイースト地方)

All the below links are in English.


UK Vol.68 (England Vol.1 – North East)

UNITED KINGDOM: North East England | @citypopulation
Regional Innovation Monitor Plus | European Commission
City Regions and Rural Areas in the North East of England (PDF; May 2005) | Jane Midgley, Neil Ward, Jane Atterton @ Centre for Rural Economy @ University of Newcastle upon Tyne
North East England (PDF) | North East Local Enterprise Partnership
Now we know what Brexit means, and it isn’t what the north-east voted for (09/02/2018) | Chi Onwurah @guardian
The north-east of England: Britain’s Detroit? (10/05/2014) | Andy Beckett @guardian

Newcastle upon Tyne – news, what’s on, sport | @ChronicleLive
Newcastle upon Tyne News | @BBCNews
Newcastle upon Tyne | Encyclopaedia Britannica
Newcastle holidays | @guardian
Visit Newcastle upon Tyne
The Biscuit Factory

Japanese Inward Investment in North East England (05/12/2015) | Tony Chapman @ St Chad’s College
Japan and the North East of England (PDF) | Professor Marie Conte-Helm, Director General of Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
SMEs Represent the North East of England in Japan (22/05/2018) | The Advanced Propulsion Centre UK Ltd
Japanese firm Hitachi Rail ups sticks and moves to County Durham, creating 1,800 jobs, after winning massive new UK contracts (20/03/2014) | Jonathan Brown @Independent
Mayor Visits Major Japanese Firms On Landmark Trade Mission | Tees Valley Combined Authority
EY’s attractiveness survey UK 2016: Investing in the North (PDF)

U.K. イギリス Vol.12 (Brexit Vol.11: General Election 2017 イギリス解散総選挙 Vol.2 — results, manifestos, et al. 選挙結果、政党マニフェスト抜粋等)

(All the below links are in English.)

標記選挙結果、事前にインターネット検索により見ることができた(連立政権入りするとされる北アイルランドのDemocratic Unionist Partyを含む)野党第二~八党のマニフェスト・政策を抜粋したもの、などを取り急ぎ以下貼っておきます。

UK Vol.93 (Post-EUref #Brexit Vol.22: 2017 General Election – results, et al.) 選挙結果等

UK Vol.89 (Post-EUref #Brexit Vol.18: 2017 General Election – Liberal Democrats Manifesto) 自由民主党LD(リベラルデモクラッツ)

UK Vol.90 (Post-EUref #Brexit Vol.19: 2017 General Election – Scottish National Party Manifesto) スコットランド国民党SNP

UK Vol.91 (Post-EUref #Brexit Vol.20: 2017 General Election – Plaid Cymru, Democratic Unionist Party, Sinn Féin) プライド・カムリ(ウェールズ党The Party of Wales)、(北アイルランド)民主統一党DUP、シン・フェイン

UK Vol.92 (Post-EUref #Brexit Vol.21: 2017 General Election – Manifestos of UKIP, Green Party) イギリス独立党UKIP(United Kingdom Independence Party)、イングランド・ウェールズ緑の党GPEW(Green Party of England and Wales 、Plaid Werdd Cymru a Lloegr)


U.K. イギリス Vol.11 (Brexit Vol.10: General Election 2017 イギリス解散総選挙 Vol.1 — Manifestos, et al. 政党マニフェスト抜粋等)

(All the below links are in English.)


UK Vol.87 (Post-EUref #Brexit Vol.16: 2017 General Election – Conservative Party Manifesto) 保守党マニフェスト抜粋

UK Vol.86 (Post-EUref #Brexit Vol.15: 2017 General Election – Labour Party Manifesto) 労働党マニフェスト抜粋

UK Vol.88 (Post-EUref #Brexit Vol.17: 2017 General Election – a long-term plan for elderly care and the war on terror) (マニフェストや記事を読んだ限りでは税ではないなど少々名付けられ方とは異なると言え、しかし各種個人費用は元来青天井でもありその話題に正面から突っ込むといずれにしても確かに批判の対象にもなり易いため国民への補助の範囲を広げるにしても選挙後に真剣に取り組むべきであった)『認知症税』 及び (警察官の数が減ったからと言うよりもっと分析的な批判は無いのかと感じざるを得ない)テロ対策 の関連
※ 日本時間6月5日昼時点で政権交代にまで踏み込んだ英語情報はありませんが、EU離脱以外に出てきたこの2つの争点により政権交代の可能性も出てきたと見ております。特に、警察官の数が減ったという事実の指摘は誰でも分かるものなので、選挙報道としては繰り返され易く、内容は無いが威力が強いと言えましょう。

UK Vol.81 (Post-EUref #Brexit Vol.14 – Theresa May calls for a General Election to be held on June 8th) 解散関連



All the below links are in English.

BREXIT AND BEYOND ― HOW THE UNITED KINGDOM MIGHT LEAVE THE EUROPEAN UNION (PDF: Nov 2016) | @UKandEU @PolStudiesAssoc を5回に分けて一部抜粋したリンクを以下貼っておきます。






U.K. イギリス Vol.9(Brexit Vol.8: Japan’s Message to UK & EU 日本要望書)

(The below two links are in English, and the last one in Japanese.)

さて、当サイトでも今後、随時、Brexit につき情報をアップして参ります。
本日は、@ChathamHouse 関係の記事 Japan Lays Out a Guide to Brexit (6 September 2016) | Sir David Warren @CHAsiaProg(’日本がイギリスEU離脱の手引きを示す’)本文と抄訳をご紹介します。

– Britain would do well to embrace Tokyo’s constructive criticism as it prepares for life outside the EU.(EU域外での生き方を準備している日本の建設的な批判を、イギリスは包み込んで受け容れてうまくやっていける)

The Japanese government paper on the implications of Brexit released on 2 September has been described in the UK media as an ‘unprecedented’ and ‘dire’ warning, a ‘stark’ threat, and dismissed as ‘doom-mongering’. In reality, it is a carefully-argued and very detailed analysis of the areas of Brexit-related concern to the thousands of Japanese companies in the UK, and those aspects of the current business environment that they want to preserve in the forthcoming negotiations. Setting out the Japanese stall in this way risks annoying British negotiators with the responsibility of finding their way through the minefield of agreeing the terms of Britain’s divorce from Europe. But the Japanese analysis, used constructively, is an important guide to what really matters in ensuring that a post-Brexit UK is not only ‘open for business’, but a country that the world’s major investors want to do business with.
(9月2日に公表されたイギリスEU離脱に係る日本政府の要望書(下記参考英文)は、’前代未聞’で’切迫した’警告であり’正真正銘’の脅しであるとイギリスのメディアでは伝えられており、’恐怖を利用した’と切り捨てられている。しかし、日本の要望書は、イギリスEU離脱に係るイギリス国内の千単位の日本企業にとっての懸念について、また、今後の離脱交渉において日本企業にとって維持されたい現在の企業活動環境について、注意深く議論されまた非常に詳細に分析したものである。… 建設的に使えば、離脱後のイギリスが’企業活動にとって動き易い’のみならず世界の主な投資者が企業活動をしたい国であることを確保するのに真に問題となる事柄についての重要な手引きである。)

The paper is couched in terms of cooperation and partnership. Japanese inward investment into the UK has been one of the major industrial success stories of the last 40 years, with the 1984 decision of Nissan to build its car plant at Sunderland the turning point. The Japanese government and Japanese companies want to preserve this post-Brexit. But that means keeping radical changes to the current environment that might emerge from the Brexit talks to a minimum. Specifically, the Japanese want, among other things, to maintain current tariff rates and customs procedures, access to skills (including from within the EU), the current provision of financial services (50 per cent of the value of British manufactured goods is accounted for by services), the current arrangements for information protection and data exchange, unified intellectual property protection, harmonized standards and regulations, and access to the EU R&D budget and joint programmes. These requests are aimed at EU negotiators as well as at the UK. A 10-page annex goes into even more detail, sector by sector.
(… とりわけ日本が望むのは、関税率、税関手続き、EU域内も含めた人材へのアクセス、金融サービス条項、情報保護及び… →下記参考(日本語PDF3頁等)をご覧ください

The context of these requests is not just concern about Brexit. The paper makes clear that leading the free-trade system remains a responsibility shared by Japan, the UK and the EU. The Japanese government are nervously watching the US presidential election, with Donald Trump openly adopting a protectionist line and Hillary Clinton now opposed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal; they will also have been concerned at suggestions from European politicians that the US−EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) may fail. Hence their statement – echoed by President Obama at the G20 in Hangzhou in his remarks on TTIP – that the priority must be to finalize the EU−Japan Economic Partnership Agreement this year. A post-Brexit UK−EU relationship that erects protectionist walls would, in Japan’s view, be a disaster for everyone.  The arguments in the paper are about preserving the health of the global economy.

And Japan calls for early clarity and transparency on the difficult issues.  The paper argues that uncertainty causes volatility, and warns against the negotiating process producing ‘unpleasant surprises’. This advice may be unwelcome to UK politicians and negotiators who have to work out how to trade off being part of the single market with the need to restrict freedom of movement.   This is a political dilemma that needs to be unravelled slowly; Britain’s economic partners’ need for early clarity runs directly counter to the politics which Prime Minister Theresa May and her cabinet have to manage over the coming months.

The paper observes that ‘Japan respects the will of the British people as demonstrated in the referendum’ and express confidence that ‘the UK and the EU will overcome . . . difficulties and lay the foundations for the creation of a new Europe’. Nonetheless, the menu of requests is challenging and almost certainly impossible to fulfil in its entirety, if, as the prime minister has said, ‘Brexit means Brexit’. But it is a guide to what foreign businesses, attracted to the UK by successive governments with the promise of being inside the single market in an EU member state committed to further trade liberalization, want from the new arrangements. 
(要望書では、’日本はイギリス国民の投票の意思を尊重する’と述べられ、また … にもかかわらず … しかし、これは、外国企業がイギリスの今後の交渉過程において整えてもらいたいことに係る手引きなのである。…)

In that sense, it should also lift the level of current discussion on trade and investment relations away from the zero-sum political arguments during the referendum campaign – ‘being part of Europe’ versus ‘free trade agreements with the rest of the world’.  Japan is saying, very clearly, that it is not an either/or choice. If the UK is to remain one of the world’s largest and most powerful economies – which, however much it is talked down in Britain, it still is – it is going to have to have a relationship with the EU that attracts foreign investors. After all, as the paper also makes clear, they have a choice where to invest. It does not have to be the UK.

Japan’s Message to the United Kingdom and the European Union (PDF)

Website on Brexit(イギリスEU離脱)

イギリス国民投票結果を受けて、当面、英米等の各機関等から英語情報が発信され続けそうであるところ、そういう状態の間は本件関連情報については worldsolutions.work において適宜アップすることとなりましたので、宜しければそちらでご覧ください。

イギリス Vol.8(Brexit – UK’s Referendum on EU Membership イギリスEU残留国民投票 Vol.7)

Here is just a part of tweets concerning the Brexit from 24 to early AM 25 June (BST). A kind of rough, limited-time, fixed-point observation – harmless, of course, and hopefully helpful for all the people’s further understanding.

A divided country: how and why Britain voted for Brexit | @Channel4NewsAge groups

Brexit: How The Oldies of Britian Stole The Younger Generation’s Future | @TheAffinityMagAge et al

The areas and demographics where the Brexit vote was won | @guardianVotes area map

Brexit: people voted according to education, income and age | @FT
Edu & age

EU Referendum | @BBCBreaking

‘I’m full of regret’: extraordinary moment Brexit voter changes her mind | @Telegraph

Demographics, markets and migration: charting Brexit | @TheEconomistClasses

What just happened? A Brexit explainer | @wef

Why the polls and social media got Brexit wrong | @Forbes

Brexit Is ‘The 1989 of This Generation’ | @V_of_Europe

The seven stages of Brexit grief, explained | @Independent

‘Brexit is an Eton Wall Game where poorest are put up against the wall and shot’ | @MirrorPolitics

Londoners sign petition for metropolis to stay in EU, Mayor Khan says city must have a say in Brexit negotiations | @AFP

Boris Johnson says Britain will continue to be a great European power | @rtenews

Brexit aftermath – in pictures | @guardian

Sky didn’t fall today, there is no global systemic crisis, but UK & EU both handling nitroglycerin… | @AmbroseEP

Why Brexit was a great idea | @NRO
Force for good or ill

Here’s how the Brexit will actually work | @ndtv

Brexit is terrifying — and no, not because of the economics | @voxdotcom

The seven stages of Brexit grief | @Independent

Opinion: After Brexit it’s clear: to save liberal democracy, politicians will have to reform capitalism | @FT

‘Why upset the apple cart?’ asks a farmer after Brexit | @guardian

Brexit: What we know and what we don’t know | @CBSNews

So the Brexit happened. Now what?  | @vicenews

What does Brexit mean to the world economy? The Economist: It’s grim | @ProPublica

UK votes to leave EU — what this might mean for the markets & your portfolio | @MerrillLynch

Excellent postmortem by @AnthonyBarnett. He had seen it coming! Blimey, it is Brexit! | @yanisvaroufakis

The post-Brexit financial world remains deeply uncertain | @guardian

Sterling v USDollar
Why Brexit is so bad for the economy | @TheAtlantic

Brits are still trying to figure out what Brexit is after voting for it | @ComplexMag

You don’t need to be an expert to understand this Brexit graph. Latest developments here | @BBCBusiness

After Brexit: The System Cannot Hold | @zerohedge

Diplomats from EU’s founding 6 nations are meeting in Berlin to discuss UK’s exit from bloc | @AP

Brexit FAQs: What happens next? | @TheAtlantic

For the latest on the fallout from the Brexit vote, FF our colleagues from @POLITICOEurope | @politico

What will happen now to the real-estate markets in the U.K.? | @WSJ
Housing mkt

Thousands Of British Refugees Make Dangerous Journey Across The Irish | @WhispersNewsLTD

The pro-Brexit message resonated with those who feel left behind | @FT

With Brexit, the British people have … lost a lot of credibility, writes @djrothkopf | @ForeignPolicy

The small but real possibility that Brexit won’t ever happen | @Slate

What impact would Brexit have on the EU? | @wef

‘Clueless?’ UK citizens google ‘What’s EU?’ after Brexit | @RT_com

Will the Brexit vote prompt a second Scottish independence referendum? | @SkyNews

Scotland is likely to seek independence from the UK (again) after the Brexit vote | @CNN

Germany and France struggle to hold EU center as Brexit storm blows | @business

It feels like the beginning of the end”: Germans react to Brexit vote | @dw_business

Domino Effect: Brexit May Trigger Referendums in Italy and Netherlands | @V_of_Europe

Spain and Italy bear brunt of Brexit stress | @fastFT

After Brexit, could there be Grexit? | @AJEnglish

France fears Brexit consequences for EU defense capability | @ReutersWorld

Defence secretary says he has been reassured US-UK security ties ‘will endure’ post-Brexit | @itvnews

Brexit may throw billions of pounds worth of agriculture trade into question

Trade and tourism will suffer most in these 6 EU nations because of Brexit | @business

Sarah Palin Urges the US to Leave the United Nations | @MotherJones

The aftermath of Brexit “is a defining moment for American diplomacy,” @IvoHDaalder tells @JudyWoodruff PBSnews | @NewsHour

The liberal project is increasingly an American one, @benwallacewells writes | @NewYorker

Brexit should be a lesson to the U.S. that angry voters sometimes get their way | @BrookingsInst

After Brexit, what? U.S. secessionists hankering for ‘Texit’ | @Reuters

Want to understand Brexit? Imagine Texas leaving the United States. | @voxdotcom

Brexit Shows Betting Markets Are Not a Silver Bullet for Predicting Elections | @reason

@realDonaldTrump and @SpeakerRyan reacted very differently to Brexit | @politico

What Brexit means for the U.S. presidential election | @TIME

Brexit is like waking up with @realDonaldTrump as president | @ComplexMagLife

Obama responds to Brexit: “…yesterday’s vote raises challenges posed by globalization.” | @Forbes

In Dublin speech, @VP Biden responds to BrexitVote & rise of Trump w/ words of caution on “reactionary politicians” | @CBSEveningNews

Hannity: The British ‘Showed Obama Their Middle Finger’ With Brexit | @DailyCaller

Sharing my take on Brexit vote live on @facebook now | @newtgingrich

British anti-immigration leader says Brexit is Obama’s fault | @thehill

People are figuring out ways to blame Obama for Brexit, because of course they are | @Slate

Brexit creates a lonely new American exceptionalism, @benwallacewells writes | @NewYorker

Why Brexit is likely to be one of the most consequential events for the world since the end of the Cold War | @HarvardBiz

Paul Krugman on Brexit: “Well, that was pretty awesome – and I mean that in the worst way” via @NYTOpinion | @nytimes

“To see Britain reject its neighbors in this way is profoundly depressing.” | @HarvardBiz

Brexit: the world’s most complex divorce is about to begin. Here’s how it might proceed | @FT

How to navigate Brexit volatility | @PIMCO

Here’s what economists and analysts are saying about the Brexit vote via @WSJEcon | @WSJ

How Brexit will affect the global economy: right now, in a little while, and long term | @nytimes

What are the business and financial ramifications of Brexit for the rest of the EU? @FTI_EMEA | @FTI_SC

Why British firms will not rush to judgment on Brexit | @TheEconomist

Banks around the world deploy their Brexit contingency plans. Should you worry? | @TheStreet

Here’s the Brexit memo Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein sent to staff | @businessinsider

@ABC News Special Report: Stock market tumbles in aftermath of Brexit

Japanese auto companies and a Hong Kong tycoon are among those hurt by “Brexit” vote | @WSJ

There is no reason why nations committed to entrepreneurship & free trade can’t prosper outside of the EU | @CatoInstitute

44% of the UK’s exports go to the EU. Now, we don’t know what that trade will look like via @business | @FiveThirtyEight

GOT IT WRONG: Pollsters, Pundits, Historians, Financiers… | @DRUDGE_REPORT

Brexit: One thing is more clear than ever — we must keep demanding that leaders everywhere ActOnClimate | @ClimateReality

How can we make Brexit work for the environment? – Craig Bennett | @guardianeco

Law firms are positioning themselves to make some cash after Brexit via @WSJLawBlog | @WSJ

Credit rating agency Moody’s cuts UK outlook from stable to negative after Brexit | @BBCBreaking

US high yield bond market adjusting to Brexit, with large gaps lower | @Forbes

The Brexit could have wide implications for the U.S. economy | @CNN

4 ways Brexit could hurt the U.S. economy | @CNNMoney

Here’s what Brexit means for American travelers | @TravelLeisure

These trades are the winners and losers from the Brexit vote shock | @business

Japanese companies are getting a surprise bargain out of Brexit | @business

@ABC Special Report: Stock market tumbles; Dow closes down over 600 points after Brexit.

8 things you need to know about Brexit | @CNNMoney

The giant hedge fund that got Brexit right via @WSJMarkets | @WSJ

Alan Greenspan on Brexit | @MarketWatch

Global stocks tumble after Brexit decision | @TIME

The 2nd richest man in the world lost $4.4B overnight due to market response to Brexit | @Forbes

An expert sums up the economic consensus about Brexit | @voxdotcom

Overwhelmed by Brexit? Here are the basics | @nytimes

Three reasons Americans should care about the Brexit | @latimes

What to watch for in the markets after the Brexit shock | @nytimes

Brexit sent stocks sliding around the globe. The S&P 500 closed at 2,037.35 | @markets

BrexitVote: The Dow closed with its largest drop since August 2015 | @Variety

BrexitVote could affect Americans’ 401(k) plans, mortgages, personal businesses, vacation plans | @ABC7

What UK startups make of the shock Brexit vote by @riptari | @TechCrunch

Here’s what Brexit means for the tech industry | @TIME

British tech firms eye relocation after Brexit vote | @guardian

Why British scientists are freaking out about Brexit | @Gizmodo

Brexit big blow to UK science | @guardian
EU research funding

Scientific community worries that Brexit will mean loss of funding, talent, business and collaboration. @sciam | @michikokakutani

Academics are uniting in bewilderment at Brexit | @Independent

Cornwall voted for Brexit, and now wants to keep its EU funding | @anneapplebaum

Brexit is ‘terrible news for TV and film’ | @Independent

They couldn’t keep you in the dark | @BreitbartNews

HBO says Brexit won’t impact production on ‘Game of Thrones’ | @TIME

Arts hit back at Brexit: ‘I feel nothing but rage’ | @guardian

What Brexit means for the fashion industry | @ELLEmagazine

The British passport has lost a lot of its value already | @Independent

Brexit forces British expats to become FRENCH because they’re so scared of being sent home | @DailyMailUK

The 10 best places to emigrate to after Brexit | @Independent

How immigration fueled Brexit | @TheNatlInterest

Pro-Brexit politicians are the dog that caught the car. Now immigration is their problem. | @voxdotcom

How will EU migrant workers be affected by Brexit? Via @AlannaPetroff | @CNNMoney

Scapegoating immigrants for economic suffering is easier than confronting austerity | @thenation

So who are the winners from Brexit? | @guardian

Brexit Created Many Losers, But Some Winners Too | @NPR

Brexit was sold as a victory for the working class. It isn’t. | @thinkprogress

How the pied pipers of Brexit cheated the poor and how they might be stopped – excellent by Matthew Parris | @JasonCowleyNS

Actually, the ones most out of touch were the ones who didn’t see Brexit coming | @IngrahamAngle

Brexit could cause UK charities to lose over $200 million every year | @HuffingtonPost

Celebs on Brexit: “We had a headache, so we shot our foot off. Now we can’t walk, and we still have the headache.” | @Salon

Media stocks tank in US after Brexit vote | @THR

Hozier calls Brexit a “massive betrayal”: “My heart breaks” | @billboard

On the eve of Brexit, Elton John welcomed luminaries into his home for a more hopeful affair | @VanityFair

How Brexit could impact the creative industry | @FastCoDesign

Brexit Meets Monty Python on the New Yorker’s next cover | @FastCompany

27 Brexit tweets guaranteed to make Brits laugh, cry, or probably both | @BuzzFeedUK

30 Brexit tweets: Collection of best memes, jokes, cartoons, gifs on Twitter | @htTweets

How cartoonists around the world are reacting to Brexit | @Independent

Explaining Brexit in the best possible way—with Simpsons memes | @TheAVClub

Martin Rowson on the Brexit vote – cartoon | @guardian

イギリス Vol.7(”Brexit”? – UK’s Referendum on EU Membership イギリスEU残留国民投票 Vol.6)

Here is just a part of universities’/scholars’ (academic) articles/papers/videos/podcasts concerning the Brexit on Twitter through early morning, 22 June (BST).

[United Kingdom]














Manchester @MBSnews







Leicester @UoLNewsCentre









London Business School @LBS


















(Aberystwyth @AberUni)




UCDDublin @UCDLawSchool



Melbourne @Government_UoM



Toronto @UofT_PolSci

(Toronto @munkschool)



Harvard @Kennedy_School





(Princeton @WilsonSchool)


Stanford @SIEPR




イギリス Vol.6(”Brexit”? – UK’s Referendum on EU Membership イギリスEU残留国民投票 Vol.5)

Here is just a part of articles/videos concerning the Brexit on Twitter through early morning, 20 June (BST).

E.U. Countries Warn Britain on ‘Brexit’: You’ll Pay if You Leave Us | @stevenerlanger

Nobel prize-winning economists warn of long-term damage after Brexit | @GuardianAnushka & @jilltreanor
– ‘Economic arguments are clearly in favour of remaining in the EU’, economics professors write –

Could British EU Exit Be Watershed for Global Economy? | @dgmchugh

City bets on pound to suffer bigger plunge than ‘Black Wednesday’ after Brexit vote | @Pete_Spence & @Tim_Wallace

The Battle of EvermorePeaks & troughs
– It has been a bad-tempered and unenlightening campaign, during which few have changed their minds. But Vote Leave now has an edge –

French ambassador urges UK to help shape a ‘reformed Europe’ | @philipstephens
– Sylvie Bermann defends the EU and says the two nations are ‘real allies’ that should collaborate on what is a ‘work in progress’ –

Asia stocks gain as Brexit fears ebb slightly, safe-havens retreat | Shinichi Saoshiro

New York Times Tries to Pin ‘Violence’ on Brexit Campaign | @JamesDelingpole

What’s working with supporters of the leave and remain camps? | @Usherwood

Brexit is being driven by English nationalism. And it will end in self-rule | @fotoole
– The EU referendum could lead to the creation of a new nation state –

Brussels slaps down British threats to rewrite immigration rules | @tobyhelm
– President of European parliament says UK has ‘no chance of curbing basic principle of free movement’ –

Schaeuble Says EU Set to Avoid Chaos If Britons Vote for Exit | @bjennen1

Will Brexit bring UK property doom or years of future boom? | @ed_mead & Paul Smith @haart_uk
– Two estate agents give contrasting views on what leaving the EU could mean for house prices and international investment –

Brexit Alarms Propel Gold Investors to Near Record Rally Wagers | @luzi_ann

Brexit Edinburgh includes the BNP | @bellacaledonia

Could Brexit Lead To New Scottish Referendum? | @jamesmatthewsky

EU Referendum: Swansea people are searching for leave more than stay on Google | @readmybook

After Brexit: Roadmap for a leap in the dark | @macdonaldrtr

EU referendum: Which papers are backing Brexit and Remain? | @GavinCordon
– The Mail on Sunday and The Observer backed Remain while The Sunday Times and The Sunday Telegraph backed Leave –


What would British business be like after Brexit? | @phillipinman

Welcome to the Fantasy Island of Little England | @emile_simpson

Brexit Could Set Off Frightening Chain Reaction In EU | @schrieberg

Central banks ready to intervene in case of Brexit: ECB’s Visco | @Islabin @AndrewHeavens

Fear, Loathing and Brexit | @paulkrugman

The financial markets aren’t afraid of Brexit – they are afraid of the incompetence of global leadership | Hamish McRae

Britain will become an isolated trading post ‘with the significance of GUERNSEY’ if we vote for Brexit says French minister | @petereallen

In Gibraltar, Brexit Vote Stirs Fears of a Rocky Road: Residents and workers worry a U.K. exit from the EU could complicate their access to the European market | @JENeumann

Brexit: UK should remain
– The result of next week’s crucial UK referendum on whether or not to remain in the European Union will have worldwide repercussions. –

Central banks mull dollar liquidity injection as Brexit looms | Anirudh Sethi

The Brexit debate has exposed the Establishment | Brendan O’Neill

Military chief switches sides to back Brexit against EU ‘army’ | @AnnabelPHoward
– Field Marshal Lord Guthrie says he was wrong to back Remain and now believes leaving would be ‘better’ for British defence –

Consequences of Brexit sink in for US politicians after killing of MP | @RobertsDan & @Bencjacobs
– The death of UK member of parliament sent a shock through Washington as the EU referendum vote could affect foreign policy and international relations –

@jimcramer’s game plan: Brexit won’t cause chaos many expect

IMF: Brexit May Not Mean A British Recession| @EdConwaySkyIMF





Brexit – The Strategic Implications [Video: PanelDiscussion] | Professor Sir @LawDavF, Emeritus Professor of @warstudies; Professor @FHeisbourg, Chairman of the Council, @IISS_org; @NigelInkster, Director of Future Conflict and Cyber Security, @IISS_org

@Erik_Jones_SAIS: Calling an EU referendum was a bad idea; voting to leave would be worse | @IISS_org

Brexit and the Law of Unintended Consequences [with PDF] | @LawDavF @IISS_org


If you think the UK will be in control after Brexit, dream on | Andrew Graham
– It’s a fantasy that the EU will trade with us on our terms. Only by remaining will we have any clout –

Brexit: Norway’s Prime Minister Erna Solberg warns Britons ‘won’t like’ life outside EU | @ashcowburn
– ‘Brussels will decide without the Brits being able to participate in the decision-making’ –

EU referendum: Dutch newspaper writes open letter in response to The Sun backing Brexit | @histubbs
– ‘We not only love you, we need you’ –

Europeans are scooping up gold on Brexit fears | Frank Holmes

Japanese yen pushed higher by Fed safe-haven flows amid Brexit fears | @LeslieShaffer1

What brexit could mean for the creative industries | @sabrinashim
– With the deadline to register to have a say in the future of the UK in Europe fast approaching, it’s time to take stock of what we could lose by leaving the EU. –

America’s gun laws and our rush to Brexit are symptoms of fearful nations | @gabyhinsliff
– Politicians on both sides of the Atlantic make a mistake by pandering to fear instead of defusing it. It can lead to bad decisions –

NEW BREXIT POLLS: Leave has surged to BIG LEADS in hugely important surveys | @adampayne26











Brexit would be a ‘lose lose’ for everyone, warns German politician | @Colmkelpie

North of England has most to lose from Brexit, says ‘In’ campaign | @kyliemaclellan

Want to know the reality of employment law after Brexit? Just look at this document the government buried four years ago | @hannahfearn
– If we leave the EU, the Conservatives have a blueprint for scrapping workers’ rights –

What would Brexit mean for the City of London? [with Video] | Patrick Jenkins
– UK exit from the EU would have big consequences for international banks –

Brexit and the UK’s geopolitical destiny [with Video “Head to Head – Brexit: Au revoir Europe?” (interview with Lord Norman Lamont, 48:49)] | @E_Karagiannis
– The future of the UK is tied, for better or worse, to the rest of Europe if only for reasons of proximity. –

How to keep your EU citizenship after Brexit: British nationals are set to lose out, but there are some workarounds | @joncstone 

Brexit would help us control immigration. Like me, many Labour voters want out | @frankfieldteam
– There’s a dangerous gap between Labour supporters and the parliamentary party on this issue. Europe isn’t working for workers any more –

Rethinking sovereignty: why “taking back control” is an empty slogan | @RobinNiblett
– “Let’s take back control” is an empty slogan unless doing so improves prospects for British citizens. –

Brexit would help UK manufacturing survive in a global market | @DrGerardLyons
– The challenge posed by low-cost producers such as China will continue, whatever the EU referendum outcome –

Brexit fears wipe £100bn off FTSE 100 in four days – business live | @graemewearden

Brexit fears drive German bond yields to below zero | @SP_Morgan

Stocks Slide With Pound Amid Brexit Risk as Sovereign Bonds Jump | @inyhwang & @JoeCiolli

Axa CEO Warns There’s an ‘Extremely High’ Probability of Brexit | @FabioWire

‘Anglophile’ Rutte Says Brexit Won’t Happen as Voters See Sense | @corinaruhe & @ACBerlin

BREX-ITCH: Dutch Activists Cruise Into UK To Help Farage Campaign For Brexit | @RaheemKassam @BreitbartLondon

Holland BACKS Brexit: Dutch people urge Britons to QUIT doomed bloc and lead EU revolution | @parfitt_tom @Daily_Express
– THE vast majority of Dutch people want Britain to quit the European Union in this month’s historic in/out referendum, according to a new poll –

Chance Of A Lifetime To Beat The Neoliberals | Doug Nicholls

Four union leaders argue Brexit is the only option in the interests of workers | MICK CASH, @MickWhelanASLEF, @Ronniebfawu, Doug Nicholls

Remain and Renegotiate! How to stop the Brexit bandwagon: Labour needs an urgent new offer on EU migration | @paulmasonnews @Medium

Global stocks fall, Bund yields go negative on Brexit fears | Herbert Lash

Don’t Be Too Pessimistic About Brexit | @jimcramer @RhondaSchaffler @TheStreet

Huge hit...scaremongering...The TimesFT

Brexit: Facts Not Fear | @toadmeister @SpecCoffeeHouse @spectator_ch

Brexit chances surge: live chart of bookmakers’ odds | John O’Neill @SpecCoffeeHouse @spectator_ch

EU Referendum: Turnout odds may have surged too far | @LeightonVW

Bookies Are Still Pretty Sure Brexit Isn’t Going to Happen | @DaraDoy

Brexit Countdown: 8 days to go | @henrymance
– Sour note for concert, warning on Leave pledges, and the ‘neverendum’? –

European integration with or without Britain | @Kemal_Dervis

EU referendum – when to buy your holiday money | Larry Elliott

Trumping the Brexiteers | @johnmcternan
– Britain does not ‘need’ Europe, but Europe needs Britain; the UK should have pride in its place in the EU. –





イギリス Vol.5(”Brexit”? – UK’s Referendum on EU Membership イギリスEU残留国民投票 Vol.4)

Here is just a part of (academic/analytical) articles concerning the Brexit.

This is how Brexit would affect British trade | Roderick Abbott @wefThey need each otherFree Trade WorldEEA two-pillar structureEEA & EFTA bodies

Will Brexit Destroy Britain and Europe?: @plegrain weighs the views of Joschka Fischer, Richard Haass, Joseph Nye, and others on what Britain’s withdrawal from the EU would mean for both sides. @ProSyn
– On June 23, British voters will decide in a referendum whether to remain in the EU or go it alone. Advocates of remaining, including Prime Minister David Cameron, may have the better arguments, but the future of the UK – and of Europe – is unlikely to be determined by reason alone. –

Britain’s Enemy Within | Harold James @ProSyn

Why Britain Should Remain European | Simon Johnson @ProSynCER-1CER-2

Europe’s Generational War | Harold James @ProSyn

Can the UK Survive Brexit? | Harold James @ProSyn

The Economic Consequences of Brexit | @plegrain @ProSyn @CEP_LSEPriceIncome

The UK Referendum – and the Future of the European Project [with PDF] | @guydej1 @ECIPE

The Brexit briefs June 2016: Our guide to Britain’s EU referendum [PDF] | @TheEconomistBrainsBetterLeverageShare

A background guide to “Brexit” from the European Union | @TheEconomistDebateTimesRegulation

EU referendum special [Podcast]
– @annemcelvoy hosts a special version of The Economist asks. @ZannyMB, editor of The Economist, reveals why the magazine has taken a strong line on Brexit, while Italian ex-Prime Minister and EU Commissioner Mario Monti criticises David Cameron’s handling of the issue. Plus, MPs from Leave and Remain go toe to toe, and Lane Greene gives his take on the language that has defined the campaigns. –

Brexit: the potential of a financial catastrophe and long-term consequences for the UK financial sector | ‏@CFMUK @voxeu @cepr_org

A British Exit from the EU Leaves the Financial Sector Vulnerable | @FTI_SC