イギリス Vol.5(”Brexit”? – UK’s Referendum on EU Membership イギリスEU残留国民投票 Vol.4)

Here is just a part of (academic/analytical) articles concerning the Brexit.

This is how Brexit would affect British trade | Roderick Abbott @wefThey need each otherFree Trade WorldEEA two-pillar structureEEA & EFTA bodies

Will Brexit Destroy Britain and Europe?: @plegrain weighs the views of Joschka Fischer, Richard Haass, Joseph Nye, and others on what Britain’s withdrawal from the EU would mean for both sides. @ProSyn
– On June 23, British voters will decide in a referendum whether to remain in the EU or go it alone. Advocates of remaining, including Prime Minister David Cameron, may have the better arguments, but the future of the UK – and of Europe – is unlikely to be determined by reason alone. –

Britain’s Enemy Within | Harold James @ProSyn

Why Britain Should Remain European | Simon Johnson @ProSynCER-1CER-2

Europe’s Generational War | Harold James @ProSyn

Can the UK Survive Brexit? | Harold James @ProSyn

The Economic Consequences of Brexit | @plegrain @ProSyn @CEP_LSEPriceIncome

The UK Referendum – and the Future of the European Project [with PDF] | @guydej1 @ECIPE

The Brexit briefs June 2016: Our guide to Britain’s EU referendum [PDF] | @TheEconomistBrainsBetterLeverageShare

A background guide to “Brexit” from the European Union | @TheEconomistDebateTimesRegulation

EU referendum special [Podcast]
– @annemcelvoy hosts a special version of The Economist asks. @ZannyMB, editor of The Economist, reveals why the magazine has taken a strong line on Brexit, while Italian ex-Prime Minister and EU Commissioner Mario Monti criticises David Cameron’s handling of the issue. Plus, MPs from Leave and Remain go toe to toe, and Lane Greene gives his take on the language that has defined the campaigns. –

Brexit: the potential of a financial catastrophe and long-term consequences for the UK financial sector | ‏@CFMUK @voxeu @cepr_org

A British Exit from the EU Leaves the Financial Sector Vulnerable | @FTI_SC

投稿者: ワールド ソルーションズ
