U.S.-Japan Summit Meetings 日米首脳会談 Vol.6(Trump’s visit to Japan トランプ大統領訪日)



New Zealand ニュージーランド Vol.5(#JacindaArdern coalition between Labour and New Zealand First アーダーン連立政権)

(The below links and tweets are in English.)

今月下旬、ニュージーランドのアーダーン新首相が宣誓し新連立内閣 * が正式に発足しましたので、取り急ぎ下記貼っておきます。
* 労働党とNZファースト党の連立政権(、及び、個別政策への信任と予算案の承認に係る緑の党との部分連合): a formal coalition between Labour and New Zealand First, supported on confidence-and-supply by the Green Party
New Zealand Vol.14 (Ardern administration)
New Zealand Vol.13 (Coalition)
New Zealand Vol.12 (General Election 2017)


North Korea’s Missile Launches (北朝鮮ミサイル発射)

All the below links are in English.


A Timeline of North Korea’s Missile Launches and Nuclear Detonations (04/15/2017) | Sam Kim @bpolitics

Peace, Nuclear deterrence … (Obama’s visit to #Hiroshima Vol.4; #Nagasaki)

All the below but one (in Spanish) are in English.

Obama invited back for second Hiroshima visit in peace project (06/20/2017) | AOI IKEGAMI @asahi

Hiroshima before the nuclear bombing shown in beautiful new video, compared with brutal aftermath: 140,000 people were killed in the blast ? almost half the population of the thriving city. (07/12/2017) | Josh Robbins @IBTimes

Japanese museum unveils footage of Hiroshima before nuclear bomb – The black and white video, lasting for a little over three minutes, shows scenes from central Hiroshima, a bustling and lively city in April 1935 (07/23/2017) | @TheNationalUAE

(in Spanish ↓)

Hiroshima, Nagasaki & the First Atomic Bombs (05/09/2014) | Marc Lallanilla @LiveScience

Einstein Saves Hiroshima

Story of cities #24: how Hiroshima rose from the ashes of nuclear destruction – In August 1945, a 16-kilotonne atomic bomb killed 140,000 people and reduced a thriving city to rubble. Hiroshima has been reborn as a place of peace and prosperity, but will memories of those dark days die with the last survivors? (18/04/2016) | Justin McCurry @guardian

Why is Canada boycotting United Nations talks to ban the bomb? – Short answer: the U.S. and NATO believe nuclear war is not only winnable, but can be fought like conventional war (06/14/2017) | Judith Deutsch @nowtoronto

Frank Miller Debunks Nuclear Deterrence Myths, Fake News (06/28/2017) | Peter Huessy @RCDefense

As Hiroshima Day dawns, why are we still tempting nuclear fate? – It is a wonder we have survived all these decades, given US policies on nuclear armament since Hiroshima (06/08/2014) | Norm Chomsky @guardian

What the last Nuremberg prosecutor alive wants the world to know (05/07/2017) | Lesley Stahl @CBSNews

“Unthinkable” – Candidate Trump said that, as President, opponents should never know whether or not he would use nuclear weapons adding uncertainty to Nuclear deterrence. (Podcast; 06/08/2017) | Keir A. Lieber, Daryl Press & Paul Bracken

VlAD’S A BIGGUN Russian nuclear powered submarine test fires a ballistic missile capable of a blast 100 TIMES more powerful than Hiroshima – The?Bulava missile, which weighs over 36 tonnes, carries six nuclear warheads and can travel nearly 6,000 miles across the globe (w Video; 29/06/2017) | Mark Hodge @TheSun

The Sad March of the Japanese Left (05/01/2017) | M. W. Larson @LAReviewofBooks


cf. Obama’s visit to Hiroshima Vol.3 Obama’s visit to Hiroshima Vol.2 Obama’s visit to Hiroshima Vol.1 Abe’s visit to Pearl Harbor

ツイッター paper.li Vol.23

All the below links are in English.

弊社ツイッターアカウントの一つ @WSjp_insight のRTによる paper.li 掲載記事7件を貼っておきます。

Cisco chooses the Netherlands for digital investment (07/02/2017) | Dieter Oude Kotte @Iamsterdam

UT to Play Leading Role in NASA Aviation Revolution (04/10/2017) | @ChancellorDav @ResearchUTK

People killed by terrorism per year in Western Europe 1970-2015 (22/05/2017) | @galka_max @Datagraver

New Alliance to Drive and Measure Industry Progress to Curb Antimicrobial Resistance (18/05/2017) | @IFPMA

A G7 Summit of Solid Security Success: Prospects for Togetherness with Trump at Taormina (05/23/2017) | @jjkirton @g7_rg @g7_g20

Bemoaning the BuzzFeed treatment of science (11/05/2017) | @JeanBalchin @HumanitiesOtago @odtnews @simonecmarshall

Which countries provide their citizens with the best higher education? (04/05/2017) | @wef

U.K. イギリス Vol.11 (Brexit Vol.10: General Election 2017 イギリス解散総選挙 Vol.1 — Manifestos, et al. 政党マニフェスト抜粋等)

(All the below links are in English.)


UK Vol.87 (Post-EUref #Brexit Vol.16: 2017 General Election – Conservative Party Manifesto) 保守党マニフェスト抜粋

UK Vol.86 (Post-EUref #Brexit Vol.15: 2017 General Election – Labour Party Manifesto) 労働党マニフェスト抜粋

UK Vol.88 (Post-EUref #Brexit Vol.17: 2017 General Election – a long-term plan for elderly care and the war on terror) (マニフェストや記事を読んだ限りでは税ではないなど少々名付けられ方とは異なると言え、しかし各種個人費用は元来青天井でもありその話題に正面から突っ込むといずれにしても確かに批判の対象にもなり易いため国民への補助の範囲を広げるにしても選挙後に真剣に取り組むべきであった)『認知症税』 及び (警察官の数が減ったからと言うよりもっと分析的な批判は無いのかと感じざるを得ない)テロ対策 の関連
※ 日本時間6月5日昼時点で政権交代にまで踏み込んだ英語情報はありませんが、EU離脱以外に出てきたこの2つの争点により政権交代の可能性も出てきたと見ております。特に、警察官の数が減ったという事実の指摘は誰でも分かるものなので、選挙報道としては繰り返され易く、内容は無いが威力が強いと言えましょう。

UK Vol.81 (Post-EUref #Brexit Vol.14 – Theresa May calls for a General Election to be held on June 8th) 解散関連


ツイッター paper.li Vol.22

All the below links are in English.

弊社ツイッターアカウントの一つ @WSjp_insight のRTによる paper.li 掲載記事5件を貼っておきます。

The Ocean Conference (5-8 June 2017) | @SustDev

Which countries provide their citizens with the best higher education? (5/4/2017) | @wef

Predicting a quake’s impact: Kiwi scientists model seismic waves to identify at-risk buildings (w Video; 5/7/2017) | @mcquillanator @NZStuff @UCNZ

Building an Economy that Works for Everyone: Implications of Privatization and the Pacheco Law (5/11/2015) | @MassBudget

FRANCE IS THE IDEA – Who are the new movers and shakers of French creativity? (w Video) | @nytimes @BFranceNA

U.S.A. アメリカ Vol.15(Policy Changes Vol.5 ー 政策変更)

All the below links are in English.


Vol.43(観光、放送等 Vol.2 - キューバの観光業界、タクシー・ホテルのギグエコノミー、AT&Tとタイムワーナーの合併話)

Vol.42(雇用 Vol.4 - 人類進歩の新指標、責任あるナショナリズム)

Vol.41(規制緩和 Vol.6 - 金融、連邦準備制度改革)

Vol.40(外交 Vol.6 - イスラエル=パレスチナ、イラン)

Vol.39(その他 Vol.4 - 論文:ハリケーンSandy)

Vol.38(インフラ Vol.4 - 公共投資、第5世代通信方式)

Vol.37(貿易 Vol.5 - 都市部雇用、米ドル高、グローバリゼーション)

Vol.36(外交 Vol.5 - イスラエル=パレスチナ、ロシア、イラン、シリア)

Vol.35(雇用 Vol.3 - 所得格差)

Vol.34(規制緩和 Vol.5 - 金融)

Vol.33(その他 Vol.3 - 論文:イノベーションのための企業相互交流 Levine, S. S., Gorman, T., & Prietula, M. J.)

Vol.32(その他 Vol.2 - 論文:投票率 Henry S. Farber)

ツイッター paper.li Vol.12

All the below links are in English.

弊社ツイッターアカウントの一つ @WSjp_insight のRTによる paper.li 掲載記事4件を貼っておきます。

Dutch coast ‘superstorm’ proof for the next 50 years | @HollandWater

Donald Trump’s @nytimes Interview: Full Transcript | @liamstack,@Jonesieman,@KarenWorkman,@TimHerrera (@deanbaquet,@maggieNYT,@shearm,@mikiebarb,@DouthatNYT,@tomfriedman @BumillerNYT,@JBennet,@juliehdavis,@grynbaum,@maureendowd,@SuccessMatters)

Trump understands what many miss: people don’t make decisions based on facts – How can we make facts matter? Research in psychology and political science offers a little hope. | @juliaoftoronto,@B_resnick @voxdotcom

NEW ACTIVE PACKAGING TO REDUCE FOOD WASTE: 700,000 tons of food waste is thrown away in Denmark each year, food which could have been eaten. This is why scientists are working on developing a new active packaging that prolongs the shelf life for fresh fruit and vegetables by slowing down decomposition. | @stateofgreendk @MFVMin

U.S.A. アメリカ Vol.9(FBI reopening investigation into Hillary private email server ー 私用メールサーバー公務使用等問題、FBI捜査再開)

All the below links are in English.

RESIGNATION LETTERS PILING UP AT FBI: James Comey’s wife urged director to take powerful action | @JoeKovacsNews @worldnetdailyFBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe: Laptop may contain thousands of messages sent to or from Mrs. Clinton’s private server | @DevlinBarrett @WSJ を総合すると、
各種選挙全般の結果に影響を与えてしまうのを避けるために捜査をしない旨 7月に James Comey コミーFBI長官が決定していた方針に対して、反対し長官周辺に積み上がる声を、
クリントン民主党大統領候補の国務長官時代のプライベートサーバーを経由した、現在もクリントン陣営スタッフのトップである Huma Abedin 氏とその別居中の夫である性的にスキャンダラスな元連邦下院議員(NY州) Anthony Weiner 氏とのメールが新たに見つかったため長官は抑え切れなくなった、と解されます。
正直、クリントン陣営にとっては何故この投票日10日前というこの時期にと憤慨する以外にないでしょうし、トランプ陣営にとっては同共和党大統領候補の各種言動が長く波紋を広げていたにしても何故最重要と思しき第2回討論会直前に10年以上前の事がなどという台詞が今月7日の @nytimes などの報道に対してあったでしょう。この #OctoberSurprise について関係者以外が何かを言い切るには、もう少し報道を待ちつつまずは事情詳細を正確に知る必要があります。上記以外にも以下、関連ニュースの一部を貼っておきます。なお、コミー長官は、ブッシュJr共和党政権下の2003-05年に司法副長官、オバマ民主党政権下の2013年から現在までFBI長官を務めています。

On Clinton Emails, Did the F.B.I. Director Abuse His Power | Prof Richard W. Painter @UofMNLawSchool @NYTopinion
Time for FBI director Comey to go | @paulcallan @CNNPolitics
For Democrats, Anthony Weiner Makes an Unwelcome Return | @maggieNYT @alexburnsNYT @NYTPolitics
Emails In Anthony Weiner Inquiry Jolt Hillary Clinton’s Campaign | @adamgoldmanNYT @arappeport @NYTPolitics
James Comey: FBI chief at loggerheads with Clinton camp | @BBC
US election: FBI’s Clinton emails move defended by Comey | @BBC
Will Clinton lose the election due to FBI’s email investigation?: Democratic nominee is losing support as Trump is seeing a resurgence | @IrishTimes
US election 2016: FBI chief James Comey ‘may have broken federal law’ | @WSJ @australian
Here’s what we need to know about those emails | @ThePlumLineGS @nzherald
James Comey, FBI director, denies bias to Congress in Clinton email probe: Republicans have criticized both the investigation and the decision not to prosecute | @AP @CBCNews