#Coronavirus #コロナウイルス Vol.7(Japan’s lifting the state of emergency 日本の緊急事態宣言解除)

All the below tweets are in English.

For your information, I paste tweets in English, which were easily found on Twitter, concerning the lifting – a bigger turning point – as below. (through around 4pm on 27th)
Please note that I think we will not be yet able to be careless at all from now on and that we will continue to need various countermeasures, because we have not yet understood completely what the coronavirus is and we will not seemingly get any satisfactory drugs or vaccines soon.


投稿者: 中港拓

ワールドソルーションズLLC 代表。『アイルランドの政治・行政・企業・地方・大学: 英文脚注15000以上』 著者。