Almost all the below links and tweets are in English.
Ireland Vol.44 (Brexit) 経済予測シナリオ
Ireland Vol.45 (Brexit: retail, food, dairy) Dunnes Stores、Musgrave、Kerry Group、Boots、Primark など
Ireland Vol.46 (Brexit: finance, IT, pharmaceuticals) AIB、BoI、アイルランド中央銀行、Intel、Microsoft、Uniphar、Shire など
Ireland Vol.47 (Brexit: organisations) Ibec、IDA Ireland、LEOs、SFI など
Ireland Vol.48 (Brexit: organisations) Teagasc、Bord Bia、IFA、FSAI、BIM など
Ireland Vol.49 (Brexit: tourism, port, airport, etc.) Fáilte Ireland、Tourism Ireland、Dublin Port Company、daa(Dublin Airport) など
Ireland Vol.50 (Brexit: electricity, customs, etc.) ESB、バックストップ など
「Ireland Brexit Japan」と検索して出て来るツイートも、ご参考まで貼っておきます。
Pleased that report of Ambassador Kavanagh’s lecture on “Ireland, the EU & Japan” (incl. Brexit) will today have reached ca. 700,000 readers of Yamagata Prefecture’s leading vernacular daily.
— Ireland in Japan (@IrishEmbJapanEN) November 28, 2018
"Ireland and Japan have a strong, shared interest in prioritising
stability, continuity and predictability to the greatest possible extent", Amb.designate Paul Kavanagh remarks @JIIA_jpn talk on #Brexit from Irish, EU perspectives, led by @dfatirl expert, Rory Montgomery— アイルランド大使館 Ireland in Japan (@IrishEmbJapan) September 21, 2018
"Ireland a bridge between Japan, EU post Brexit" Min @CharlieFlanagan Op-ed in Nikkei newspaper @dfatirl @EUinJapan
— アイルランド大使館 Ireland in Japan (@IrishEmbJapan) March 1, 2017
Min @CharlieFlanagan welcomes Japan FM Kishida. #Japan views #Ireland as important ally after Brexit
— Irish Foreign Ministry (@dfatirl) January 10, 2017
Fascinating. British trade with Ireland worth more than it’s trade with India, Japan, New Zealand and Australia PUT TOGETHER. And trade with just county Cork worth about same as entire trade with South America. But Brexit, embrace the commonwealth, new markets etc.
— Bryan MacDonald (@27khv) June 1, 2018
Japan seeks closer ties with Ireland after Brexit
— Irish Times Politics (@IrishTimesPol) January 10, 2017
Japan, Ireland, EU all seem to have more open discussions of Brexit than our own secretive, confused, rhetoric-brandishing government.
— Scientists for EU (@Scientists4EU) October 19, 2016
The OECD claims Brexit would hurt Britain, Ireland, Japan and the USA
— Mirror Politics (@MirrorPolitics) June 1, 2016