Canada カナダ Vol.2


1. Trudeau, Mexican president stand up for free trade, take shots at Trump-style protectionism | @leeberthiaume @nationalpost では、加墨首脳間でのビザ及び牛肉に係る相互合意につき書かれています。国家の経済成長と国民自身の成功を妨げる内向きの保護主義が忍び寄る昨今それに打ち勝つべく、カナダ側からは今年12月1日までにメキシコ国民のカナダ入国につきビザを不要とする旨、メキシコ側からは今年10月までにカナダ産牛肉に係る全ての制限を撤廃する旨発表しています。(…the Canada-Mexico relationship is “a compelling example that we want to showcase at a time where unfortunately people are prone to turning inwards, which will unfortunately be at the cost of their economic growth and their own success.” To cement the Canada-Mexico relationship, Trudeau announced the Liberal government will lift visa requirements on Mexican travellers by Dec. 1. At the same time, Pena Nieto said Mexico will remove all restrictions on Canadian beef by October. The Harper government introduced the visa requirement in 2009, after thousands of Mexicans flooded Canada’s refugee system…)

2. More than a Pretty Face: Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Vision for Canada | Anna Murphy @BrownBPR では、カナダを政治的・経済的・社会的にプログレッシブ(進歩的)にするというトルドー首相の政策について書かれています(…Trudeau’s success in the federal election showed that his promise to make Canada a more politically, economically, and socially progressive nation was well received…)。
 スタイルのみならず内容があるのか、成果も出せるのかが問われ始めている(…As the Prime Minister now aims to carry out his campaign promises, the people in turn are beginning to ask if…there is substance behind his style… Will popularity translate into product?)。
 予算を見ればビジョンが分かり、その問いへの答えも見える。自由党の当初の計画の変更及びハーパー保守党政権の緊縮財政からの脱却が見て取れる。短期的な予算削減よりも政府による投資の方が経済を強化し長期的に財政を自然均衡させる、という考え方である。(The budget, which offers better insight into Trudeau’s vision for the coming years than the fanfare that has captured the attention of media around the world, begins to answer this question. It reveals a distinctly Liberal plan for Canada and a massive departure from the austerity measures of the Conservative Harper government. It also aims for a drastic increase in spending with only a potential minor tax raise for the middle class. …Trudeau and finance minister Bill Morneau’s departure from their original plan underlines their economic ideology: The idea is that government investment will be better at strengthening the economy and balancing the budget in the long run than short term measures to cut the deficit. …also lead to long-term investments that will balance the budget naturally.)
 また、予算には政治的・社会的な思想も組み込まれている。クリーンテクノロジーへの10億ドル、公共交通や水処理施設のようなインフラへの119億ドルは、経済強化と環境保全に資することが期待される。(Besides deficit spending, Trudeau’s budget combines his economic policies with some of the political and social talking points of his campaign… In general, Trudeau’s budget aims to balance economic strength and environmental protection… The $1 billion investment in clean technology as well as the $11.9 billion investment in infrastructure systems, such as public transit and water treatment plants…)
 更に、5年総額84億ドルを先住民族の教育と福祉に充てている(…Trudeau is hoping to address the failures of the Harper government in advancing the education and welfare of aboriginals by allocating a whopping $8.4 billion over five years for Canada’s indigenous groups.)。
 メディアはトルドー首相の外見や愛嬌に着目し続けるが、それだけでは、アルバータ州・オンタリオ州都市周辺部・ケベック州農村部・トロント市部の保守派やアメリカなど外国のトレンドがトルドー政権のリベラルな思想とは異なり得ることを忘れる危険がある。(…Conservatives in Alberta, the suburbs of Ontario, rural Quebec, and even urban Toronto paint a very different picture of Canada than the Trudeau-inspired portraits of liberal harmony… As the media continues to marvel at Trudeau’s looks and charm, national and international political rhetoric surrounding Canada runs the risk of forgetting both the substantial policy initiatives of the current government as well as the political discord present within the nation that continues to reflect the beliefs of a significant amount of the population… While dissent is not necessarily negative — Canadian discord has not yet translated into deadlock — the political climate in Canada needs to be looked at more soberly. Trudeau’s popularity is enduring, but it should not be considered synonymous with practically unanimous political support.)

3. Justin Trudeau targets billionaires, tech moguls at secretive Sun Valley conference: Annual gathering in Idaho attracts some of the world’s richest business leaders | @CBCNews では、アメリカの投資会社アレン&カンパニーによりアイダホ州サンバレーで7月6日にメディア非公開で開催される(た)、テクノロジーやメディアの大御所が年一回集う会議に、トルドー首相が出席する(した)旨書かれています。

4. Justin Trudeau makes investment pitch to Japan’s automakers: PM in ‘relationship-building mode’ with heads of Honda, Toyota and Subaru | @AndyBlatchford @CBCNews では、トルドー首相が5月24日に東京のカナダ大使公邸でホンダ、トヨタ、スバルの社長や自動車部品製造事業者を招待して、カナダへの更なる投資を呼び掛けた旨書かれています。
 また、カナダがブリティッシュコロンビア州からのLNG輸出の環境保全規制上の許可を出すことを日本が望んでいる旨も書かれています(Abe is also expected to urge Trudeau to move quickly to open up Canadian liquefied natural gas exports to Japan. Japan, the world’s biggest importer of LNG, is hoping Canada will issue necessary environmental permits to allow companies to export it from British Columbia. Monji said LNG is still very important energy source for his country, which makes Canada one of the most promising potential exporters to Japan. He noted that Japanese companies are involved in several LNG projects in Canada.)。

投稿者: ワールド ソルーションズ
