アイルランドの政治・行政・企業・地方・大学 Ireland’s Politics, Government, Corporations, Local Authorities, Universities, et al.

中港拓 Taku Nakaminato:国民生活目線―食品・医薬品・小売・IT・金融・建設・エネルギー等;人事・コネ・企業活動―人・組織と人・組織の繋がり;英語力アップー英語にも抵抗が無くなる;電子書籍テクノロジー時代―手軽に情報が出てくる

Ireland’s Politics, Government, Corporations, Local Authorities, Universities, et al.

This eBook dismantles Ireland’s Parliament, Government, corporations, Local Authorities, and universities, and “objectively” explains outlines of each organization. There, the author shows each org’s key people, principal businesses, financial condition, history, et al., along with over 15 thousand footnotes – URLs of sensible and interesting information written in English.
While this eBook contains explanations on political parties, politicians, administrations, and corporate activities, it remains “neutral/non-political” from beginning to end – from international as well as domestic viewpoints. If he may, he would say it can give you a bit understanding of Ireland, or what a nation consists of.