Australia オーストラリア Vol.6(states, economy, politics, etc. 各州, 経済, 政治 など)

All the below links are in English.

標記につき取り急ぎ貼っておきます。なお、 の各ポストは、日付が若干新しくありませんが、内容は最近、大幅に拡充等したものです。


Australia Vol.8 (New South Wales) ニューサウスウェールズ州
Australia Vol.13 (Victoria) ビクトリア州
Australia Vol.12 (Queensland) クイーンズランド州
Australia Vol.10 (South Australia) サウスオーストラリア州
Australia Vol.9 (Western Australia) ウェスタンオーストラリア州
Australia Vol.11 (Tasmania) タスマニア州
Australia Vol.6 (Northern Territory) ノーザンテリトリー(北部特別地域)
Australia Vol.2 (Australian Capital Territory) オーストラリア首都特別地域

Australia Vol.5 (Economy) 経済
Australia Vol.1 (Politics) 政治
Australia Vol.15 / Trans-Pacific Partnership #TPP Vol.2 TPP
Australia Vol.16 / Meat Vol.2 
Australia Vol.7 (Climate change) 気候変動
Australia Vol.14 / Antarctic Vol.2 南極

各州名及びJapanなどを入れて検索して出てきたツイートです。政府に関連するという立場でない弊社としては、現時点で日本の命運を左右する話題ではなく経済動向と不可分である国際情勢等の空気も見えるもの を敢えて外さないことがあってもむしろ良いのではないかと考え、今回は一部その類のものを含めています。
The below tweets are found if you enter such words as states’ names and Japan, etc. As far as our LLC, which is not related to the Government of Japan, has considered, this time it would be rather better to dare not to take off the information which does not affect the fate of Japan as of May 15, and which shows the atmosphere of international affairs inseparably linked to economy.

U.S.A. アメリカ Vol.52(Policies & Midterms 各種政策等 Vol.26 - 大学ツイート Colleges)

All the below tweets are in English.
全米 College 後半、そして、大学ツイート特集の最終回です。

cf. 1月28日追加
U.S. National Liberal Arts Colleges Vol.2
U.S. National Liberal Arts Colleges Vol.3

U.S.A. アメリカ Vol.46(Policies & Midterms 各種政策等 Vol.20 - 大学ツイート UC LA (Los Angeles) & Berkeley)

All the below tweets are in English.
今日は、 UCLA と UCバークレー のツイートを貼っておきます。

California Vol.16 (University of California, Berkeley / San Diego)
California Vol.18 (University of California, Los Angeles)
California Vol.19 (UCLA, University of Southern California, Pepperdine University, etc.)
12月18日追加 2017年のほぼ同時期です。
US Policy Changes Vol.65 (US law professors Vol.1) テキサス以西、主にカリフォルニア。

U.S.A. アメリカ Vol.42(Policies & Midterms 各種政策等 Vol.16 - 大学ツイート UC Davis)

All the below tweets are in English.
今日は、University of California, Davis です。

cf. 12月27日追加
California Vol.14 (University of California, Davis)

U.S.A. アメリカ Vol.33(Policies & Midterms 各種政策等 Vol.7 - 大学ツイート Montana~Missouri)

All the below tweets are in English.

U.S.A. アメリカ Vol.19(North Korea, China, Hawaii, Guam, South Korea, New Zealand, TPP, Pakistan, Iranなど)

(All the below links are in English.)


TRUMP IN 2018 | @BrookingsInst
The consequences of increasing concentration and decreasing competition—and how to remedy them (01/05/2018) | William A. Galston and Clara Hendrickson @BrookingsInst
New tax law means fighting over unfunded state pension plans is about to get worse (01/11/2018) | Robert C. Pozen @BrookingsInst
The danger in deregulation (01/09/2018) | Samantha Gross @BrookingsInst
Post-American Europe and the new geopolitics (Podcast; 01/12/2018) | Fred Dews and Thomas Wright @BrookingsInst
The future of U.S.-Pakistani Relations (01/12/2018) | Madiha Afzal @BrookingsInst

The views represented in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. This paper was made possible by the generous support of the Consulate General of Japan in Chicago.

Iran Nuclear Agreement Vol.1
Iran Nuclear Agreement Vol.2
Iran Nuclear Agreement Vol.3
Iran Nuclear Agreement Vol.4
Iran Nuclear Agreement Vol.5

ツイッター Vol.24

All the below links are in English.

弊社ツイッターアカウントの一つ @WSjp_insight のRTによる 掲載記事9件を貼っておきます。

Private Banking and Wealth Management are still stuck in the past (07/25/2017) | @DeloitteCH @FintechCH

ETH Zurich team creates all-concrete SkelETHon canoe built on slender “bones” (27/06/2017) | @emmatucker @dezeen @swissnexSF

Dunedin suits publishing business well (06/07/2017) | @sallyrae8 @odtnews @otago

Profiles of Norwegian science: Russia, Norway’s High North neighbor (06/30/2017) | @IlanKelman @NAWeekly

Profiles of Norwegian science: Russia, Norway’s High North neighbor (06/30/2017) | @IlanKelman @NAWeekly

7 Ways to Celebrate Canada’s 150th Birthday (12/22/2016) | @daliahsinger @outsidemagazine

Joint Ocean Ice Studies | @DFO_Science

Complaints to CER about energy suppliers down (w Voice; 08/06/2017) | @Irish_Biz @rte

Aberdeen scientists need your help to track the spread of New Zealand Flatworms (01/06/2017) | @aberdeenuni

Canada カナダ Vol.5 (建国150周年 #Canada150)

(All the below links are in English.)

建国150周年となった今年のカナダデー(Canada Day; 建国記念日; 7月1日)関連の情報を以下貼っておきます。

Canada Vol.17 (#Canada150 …)

Canada Vol.16 (New Brunswick, Canada Day #Canada150)


Germany ドイツ Vol.1(German Arctic Office to act as consultant to politics and industry)

(The below link is in English.)

German Arctic Office to act as consultant to politics and industry (1/4/2017) | @AWI_de @EurekAlert
ドイツは北極圏に属さず領海も狭く北極関連の枠組みでも原則的にはメンバーになっていない反面、技術に強い経済大国であるところ、ドイツの Arctic Office についての記事と一部抜粋です。なお、現在、1月22-27日(於:TROMSØ,NORWAY。主催:Arctic Frontiers。)の”WHITE SPACE – BLUE FUTURE” が開催されています。

… The shrinking sea ice and collapsing permafrost coasts are now also becoming topics on the agenda of international politics and industry. …
… Due to the geopolitical, geo-economic and geo-ecological significance of the north polar region, which is changing particularly rapidly as a result of global warming, the German government endeavours to make the Arctic a key issue of German politics. … …Dr Volker Rachold. …
The German Arctic Office was initiated by the German Foreign Office, which represents Germany as an observer in the Arctic Council, and by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which promotes Arctic research in Germany. …
… “Our network includes polar scientists of the Alfred Wegener Institute, but also scientists from other research institutions such as the Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies and the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research. …
… “These countries are interested in our research results, for example the designation of marine protected areas. … Germany for instance contributes to the improvement of ice predictions for shipping and to averting possible environmental risks as a result of increased shipping,”…
He believes that investments by industry and politics in the Arctic region cannot be stopped, they can only be given sustained and vigilant support – for example by making use of modern environmental technology and by means of forward-thinking research. “One of our tasks at the Arctic Office is to explore specific questions asked by the government and companies together with institutions and universities, so that researchers can look into these issues. …

ツイッター Vol.13

All the below links are in English.

弊社ツイッターアカウントの一つ @WSjp_insight のRTによる 掲載記事6件を貼っておきます。

Boston’s Christmas Tree Tradition Rooted In A Canadian Thank You (w Audio) | @ebherwick3 @NPR

B.C. and Alaska strengthen commitment to protect shared environment | @BCGovnews

Howe bridge unaffected by Trump election, Canada says | @leonardnfleming,@HollyPFournier @detroitnews

Gordie Howe International Bridge project spans new horizons | @INFC_eng

Canada pledges to phase out traditional coal power by 2030 | @josh_wingrove @StarTribune

Line 3 Replacement Project | @NRCan

All of these were adopted by @GilTheJenius. Thank you.