Science and Technology 科学技術 Vol.18 / #Coronavirus #コロナウイルス Vol.21

All the below links are in English.


Science and Technology Vol.49 COVID19 vaccines materials AI,robotics
Science and Technology Vol.48 (incl 2019) telehealth coronavirus pandemics MachineLearning triage ventilator nurses startup chemicals GPS HorizonEU electrification
Science and Technology Vol.47 (incl 2019) digitalhealth PhysicalDistancing immunotherapy food molecular metal
Science and Technology Vol.46 (personal protective equipment (PPE) suppliers/manufacturers) 
Science and Technology Vol.45 telemedicine COVID19vaccine ventilators vitaminD kidneyinjury,AKI periosteum
Science and Technology Vol.44 GeorgeRutherford,UCSF MichaelOsterholm,UMN ArtificialIntelligence BreathTestingSystem,Shimadzu,TohokuUniversity
Science and Technology Vol.43 NobelPrizes/Physiology&Medicine/Physics/Chemistry
Science and Technology Vol.42 (miscellaneous) IgNobelPrizes heart-healthy lutein dexamethasone(Trump)
Science and Technology Vol.41 (miscellaneous) 3Dimaging/3Dprinting underwaterRobot water foodwaste nutrition planet
Science and Technology Vol.40 symptoms LosAngeles colleges,universities BigData,DataScience 3Dprinting,PPE ClimateChange Antarctica BraineatingAmoeba

投稿者: ワールド ソルーションズ
